Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Here... The Dreaded Christmas Office Dinner

Every year my husbands office puts on a Christmas party at a very nice restaurant.
Can you tell how excited I am?
This party gets me stressed out like nothing else. I hate it. I have been known to break out in hives... that is how much I dread it. I am so out of my element & I don't want to embarrass my husband by spilling down my shirt, which I always do. Or saying something totally stupid- which I have managed to avoid each year so far- which means the odds are against me this year.
I am gearing up, looking on the positive side- hey at least they take us to dinner right?
* do you get nervous at things like this?


Unknown said...

hee hee

i don't even like going to my OWN Christmas party. (suffered through mat's last weekend.)

sending good thoughts and witty banter your way!

wende said...

patsy, you CRACK me up! i so know the feeling, luckily, Rich hates going more than i do so i rarely have to attend. a few years ago there was a dinner murder mystery which was very good but one of the characters - a gardiner guy who was channeling elvis - ate with us at our dinner table. he was nice and fun but then later when it was time for them to "act" out the murder, he pulled me up from my seat to DANCE with him and worse, it was some sort of pelvic jiving motion! then he sang something like, "i just wanna be your garden hose" (instead of teddy bear) Oh my word! i will never forget the horrified look on rich's face. i wanted to drop dead right there. so on that note, GOOD LUCK! you'll be great patsy, everybody loves you! :)

patsy said...

oh my gosh- maybe our dinners aren't so bad- I love elvis & all but that is horrifying.

Brent and Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brent and Ashley said...

Patsy, I feel your pain. Brent has some military dinner tonight(boo) at the new Hinckley bldg(yay)at BYU. I feel out of my element too! There's all these military wives talking in nothing but acronyms asking me questions about our military lives that I don't know the answers to. And everyone dresses really nice, too. It looks like a glorified prom. I will be happy when this night is over. I'm sure you will too. But like Wende said, EVERYONE loves you!!!-so you shouldn't worry!

Brent and Ashley said...

That was me who deleted the previous comment. There were some words spelled wrong and that drives me nuts!

Jill said...

Great photo Patsy! I am moments away from leaving for my husband's dreaded office party. It doesn't stress me out (it's not fancy at all) but I hate these things and think they're a waste of time. I wish they just do a lunch with the employees only or give us gift cards or something. Lame.

Good luck!!

Murdlem said...

Patsy... This picture is hilarious.

Chanel Palmer said...

Oh my, I thought I was the only one that stresses about these work dinners! I go to all of them, only because I love my Husband... but I'ts torture. When you look around the room it's obvious that 50% of the people (all the spouses) do not want to be there.

patsy said...

Ashley I am dying to get on your blog but I don't have the right password. Your mom gave me one but it must be the wrong one. I tried to email too but... I have technical problems.
About the military dinner- oh ashley you've got me beat for sure. I've heard those are like going to prom but worse. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Next year I will go to the New Yorker if you don't want to :)p.s. I never asked you what you ate! I'm curious...