Friday, December 7, 2007

Ordinary Morning

Some of the words that have come out of our mouths this morning...

Mom-If you don't start flushing you are going to be in charge of cleaning the toilets from now on.
Mom-You can't eat until you finish your TV- I mean you can't watch TV until you finish eating.

Trent- do you know what the true meaning of Christmas is about? Mom- yes... what do think the true meaning of Christmas is about? Trent- It's about making a farm out of blocks instead of doing my homework. Santa really wants to see a farm made of blocks when he gets here. Mom- NO it's about Jesus' birthday. (later that morning) Trent- Hailey, do you know what the true meaning of Christmas is about? Hailey- yes. Trent- it's about Jesus' birthday.

I drove these two to school today even though we live a block maybe two away.

The weather says we may get 6 inches of snow! They are wrong a lot of the time so I'm not sweating it.

P.S. I have no where to be today so you know what that means? I probably won't get anything done. Something about being busy helps me to get more done & be more organized.

*do you get more done if you have a lot on your schedule-then waste ordinary days?

* how's your morning conversation?


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Trent is hilarious... I gave Dana your email address so she is going to be sending you an invite to her blog, because it's private. I love this post... I am so glad you introduced me to the world of blogging, it really is one of my favorite things:)

patsy said...

It's such a thrill to have a comment from you today! Are you drowning up there? All the flooding on the news has had us thinking of you constantly. I have big plans for shopping when we come to visit this summer. I'm already making a list of places I want to go to so I don't forget any. I sent your Christmas card to your old address yesterday. I hope it doesn't take too long to forward through the post office. Love you pj

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Fortunately, we haven't really been affected by the flooding... it is just crazy that we moved here right when all of this has been going on though. Thanks for thinking of us. I love you.

Elizabeth said...

I had to jump over from Jill's to see your See's list. My favorite is the butterscotch square. My Mom would fill our socks up with our favorite See's candy every year. Now I fill my own up.

Jill said...

Your morning conversation sounds like mine. I can't believe some of the things I have to say. Lately it's been a lot of "Whitney, get some clothes on!"

I love having days that I don't have to be anywhere. I know what you mean about not being as efficient as the busy days, but maybe that's the beauty of those days. You're allowed to just be home and enjoy it.