Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taste Test Wednesday- UPDATED

Have you seen these? I HAVE- I found one in 7-eleven (I love 7-eleven) last summer while stopping with the ballet girls to get slurpees (I love slurpees on a hot day.)
I fell in love with them immediately. I love Elvis & he had such good eating habits...?
So sure they SHOULD make a special tribute to him with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup- Right? By-the-way, who knew there were special addition peanut butter cups?
You can read about it here - a candy blog- which gives them a 7 out of 10- pretty good! Or check out the official Hershey website here.
Elvis reminds me of when I was a girl. My mom loved Elvis movies & somtimes there would be an Elvis Movie- on the 3:00 movie, which came on just as I came home from school. I think I remember my mom cried when Elvis died. Well, this afternoon while Jack & Seth were home eating lunch. I ran to the store & happen upon a few. The clerk told me NOBODY likes these- I said I DO I just haven't boughten any because the are so hard to find. I starting thinking maybe I should see if the boys like them or if I have just never met a chocolate I didn't like???

Seth loved them. Jack is faking trying them. The big wimp says he isn't a banana cream pie kind of guy. WHAT IN THE WORLD? Can this be my son? If he wasn't the spitten image of my father (the true banana cream pie lover) I would swear he was switched at birth.

Hailey went a long. She had mixed feelings.
Results on Chloe & Trent will come in today. I forgot to give them one to try since I was knee deep in a sewing project- in my newly cleaned laundry room-OH MAN AM I LOVING IT! UPDATE- THE RESULTS ARE IN.
You can see for yourself, Chloe gives them an enthusiastic thumbs up... Trent doesn't want to eat chocolate in the morning. I have failed as a mother. Last night was New Beginnings. A traditional program for Young Women in our church. Hailey played DeBussy. It was amazing. I snuck in a video- don't tell her, she'll find out soon enough.

I know I am up early- Brett comes home from a business trip today. I was having bad dreams & can't sleep. I miss Brian. I got up & read his last two emails & prayed he's okay.

*do you like/love Elvis? Come on You can be honest!
*have you seen these peanut butter cups?
*have you/will you try one?
*do you miss Brian too?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SPT- 25th Hour

The question this week... What would you do if you had another hour in the day. Uninterrupted- & you can't sleep. Gosh this challenge has been really hard for me. Isn't that silly- like the hardest SPT yet. It's totally because I know what I should be doing- EXERCISING.

Does this count? You better believe it!I can't believe the storms this year! Just about every 48 hours we get snow. We've had years when we've gotten more- sure- but this year it's so darn consistent.

For those of you who don't know. If you don't shovel your driveway then drive over it- it packs the snow down really hard. Later in the day it turns to life threatening ice! Thick ice that may not melt until spring unless you get out there & chip it away- which my husband did last week. Sorry jack, if Dad sees that I shoveled the snow you're gonna get a lecture. These SPT shots of me are brutal- it looks like someone hit me with the shovel!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Did It!

It's downright amazing how blogging has made me feel accountable. Like, if I say I'm going to do a project I really have to do it. Can you believe this? I did it. I completely took apart my laundry room- 98% of it- organized it, and put it back together again. AFTER PHOTOS
Here is the post (in case you missed it-it's just down a couple) of what it looked like before.
I found so many great things. Like a great print I forgot I had that I am going to have framed & put over my folding table. I can't wait for that. I have a perfect place for my darling Englebreit prints on the other side of the room. I love Mary Englebreit prints.
It's hard to tell in the photos but this room is light green. It's the very first room I painted when we moved into the house. The green in this room is calming & one of my favorite colors. This room was the main reason I wanted to live in this house. It's great that I can shut the door to laundry messes, but still be so close to the family when I am working in there- it's just off the kitchen & family room. Even though I share it with my kids & their clothes, it still feels like MY room & I like that. my bathrooms are all dirty, I didn't make dinner tonight, & there is a huge pile of laundry just behind these photos--- but hey...
it was worth it.

Card Making Class

Yesterday Linda & I braved the weather & drove 45 minutes south to take a card making class we signed up for weeks ago. I was so disappointed when the weather forecast was for 18" of snow by morning, but then went down to 6" by morning, then guess what --- there was no snow in the morning. Don't get me wrong, it came (3-4 inches) but not until we were sitting in Archiver's making these cuties. Archiver's has stores all over the country. If there is one near you- go & sign up for a class. It was so much fun. We used all sorts of ridiculously cool products that I would never buy myself. I just don't scrap that much- even the cards I make... really these products are fun. Specialty tape, ink, new cutting tools, all kinds of cool stuff.
I tell you what. It's a good thing it's 45 minutes away. Yes, we have closer shops, but somehow this one just has it all...

and it's just up the street from Megan's apartment. So after school she met us for lunch at Jason's Deli.
Wow- another great find. Wende has recommended it but there isn't one close so this was my first time there.

The trip home was definitely ICY & WINDY. But we made it. It took a little longer than the trip down but Linda has 4 wheel drive & there wasn't any traffic so it was okay.
Fun day. Now I have to get back to work.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley 1910-2008

Our beloved President Hinckley has passed away today. My heart is full of love for him. He had a way of making you feel like the world was still a good place. Like you could do anything you put your mind to... just be positive... and do it!
"I feel to invite women everywhere to rise to the great potential within you. I do not ask that you reach beyond your capacity. I hope you will not nag yourselves with failure. I hope you will not try to set your goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass."- Gordan B. Hinckley
The very first thought that came to my mind when I heard the news...
Oh how happy he must be- to be with his sweet wife Marjorie again.
Theirs was such a beautiful, real life, love story. She was so cute & funny. I love how she talked about him like he wasn't perfect- but so loving & supportive of all she wanted to do in her life.

What a grand reunion it must be.
As we talked about President Hinckley & his life together as a family tonight Chloe said the most profound thing to me - I bet he's popular in Paradise!

I bet he is!
*do you know who this man is?
*check him out here

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Yesterday Wende & I took Kristy out to lunch for her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTY. Wow that was fun- we need to do that again soon. Three bloggers eating lunch-- since my other friends don't blog we had so much to talk about that I could hardly chew my food- blah, blah, blah, blah, blah- I talk too much for sure. This picture is me trying not to have a double chin & we were outside so you know I had to have the sun glasses. I've decided I don't like being in the middle. Aren't these two cute!!
Afternoon-- like mother like blogger. Some of you may not know that Hailey here reads all of the blogs listed on my sidebar & more. She loves all of you.

Now to the disaster I made...
Brett is here -(it is so cold outside- I pray he comes home alive), everyone else is busy... even Trent has a friend over so I started to take my laundry/sewing room apart & organize it ONCE & FOR ALL. I can't stand it in there anymore. I tried to start sewing a project. But heck, I can't find anything. I was so frustrated I just decided...THIS IS IT- IN MY QUEST FOR BALANCE I HAVE TO MAKE A CHANGE HERE.
These are some pictures part way into the process- so they look extra messy.

(I made the pictures small as not to burn your eyeballs)

What a disaster.

Now that I have officially blogged about the disorganization that has become my life-
I am committed to change it!
Stay tuned to see the AFTER shots.
*is there a space/room in your house you have just let go?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Exaggeration- there I go doing it again!

This week I picked up Hailey from school- with Trent in the car- on my way to pick up a much needed theory book for Chloe's piano lesson. When we got to the music store Hailey didn't want to go in knowing I would be really quick. Trent asked if he could play pilot in the front seat. (I never let him play in the car so this would be a real treat) Because Hailey was there I said OK- as long as Hailey sits in the front with you. When I got back Hailey warned me-mom, Trent pushed all the buttons on the car- even though I told him not too!
Trent- don't you know that one of these buttons will blow up the car?! was my answer. It will not mom --he kept saying back, then I went on & on about how there is a secret button & wouldn't it be sad if the car blew up because he was playing with the buttons.
I wasn't being serious I was just having a little fun with him. Which reminded me of a story about my missionary.

When Brian was little he was fascinated with guys like this. He was always asking me- why does that guy have an earring... why does that guy have long hair... on & on. One day I just told him- He doesn't love his mother. That was really what it came down to in my 20 something mind. His poor mother must be so embarrassed I said...
Oh my goodness, please forgive me, I was young.
Soon after we were sitting in McDonald's play land (I'll never forget) and a guy similar to this sat down right behind us. Brian leaned over to him and asked- why don't you love your mother?
I was mortified & quickly pulled him away. Smiling & giggling to the guy who never cracked a smile back at me.
I wonder if Trent will mention to someone that he almost blew up the car? Or maybe even ask his driver's Ed. teacher about the button that blows up your car, when he's older?
I'm always doing this to my kids- why do I do it?
It must have something to do with the answer my mom gave me when I was young to the question - what's a hemorrhoid? I think it was after pushing Megan out for two hours I realized she was just joking.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Science Fair Wrap Up

Chloe ~ Science Fair 2008 Today was the annual school science fair... you know the science project we turned in by the skin of our teeth last week. Anyhow I pulled myself up by my bootstraps- walked on the treadmill (yes exercise does help)-took a shower - & went to check it out. Doesn't Chloe look excited? She really was excited. After the judges had gone through all the projects the parents were invited to take a look. Military personnel from Hill Air Force Base came to judge- so cool. Chloe was excited because the "nice guy" came to judge hers. I didn't meet them so I'm not sure what that was about but she said he was really fun & nice to the kids & not too serious- all important qualities.
Look at this baby~ Not too shabby!
Here are Chloe's favorite picks from the other kids.
(all of 4th-5th & 6th grades participated this year)

Will a gold fish live longer in water that is changed daily, weekly, or monthly?
We have had the same goldfish- Zore for 3 years & we love him so this is an important subject at our house. His "girlfriend" Ellie died after 1 year this summer which was very traumatic for Trent. If you're seriously bored you can read about it here. (it's really cute)

Acid Rain.
I didn't read too much about this one- Chloe like it though.
My favorites...
besides the best one- Chloe's (as Trent would say...duh!)
Coke will it turn a nail rusty?
Now that's something I want to know!! Guess what, this kid tested Coke, Diet coke, Mountain Dew, Sprite & water. The good news...nothing rusted. The bad news... water was the hardest on the nail???? Now I'm scared.

Then, the diaper debate.
Which hold more liquid- the expensive name brands or economic generic?
I loved this... very practical & YES GENERIC WON! I love to root for the underdog.

Here's our self portrait! It was really fun walking around with her & learning so many fun facts. I guess the science fair isn't that bad... I'm still glad it's over.

After that I went to Costco & out running errands. Nothing cheers me up like a trip to Costco. I love this place. Costco continues to be the best place to fill up my car.
How much is gas at your house?

Thanks so much for all the kind comments today. I'm feeling better. Although it's absolutely blizzard-like outside- but it's okay- I've figured it out.
The best way to beat the winter blahs- GREAT COMMENTS ON MY BLOG. Now let's hope it'll last..........hmmmmm.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Feel Like I'm Taking A...

Nose Dive
I just can't seem to pull up out of the winter blahs.
I don't want to start the projects in my head, I don't want to clean my house- I am keeping all the basics up at least but that's it. I don't want to do my regular volunteer work. I just keep finding myself looking through my summer posts. Here is sunny July...
I used to think I was a pretty positive person, but it seems I complained about the heat of summer a lot too.
Maybe blogging isn't such a good thing. Maybe I need a sun lamp- since I won't be seeing the sun again anytime soon. The forecast calls for snow, snow & more snow. I normally really like snow in moderation- I'm just spinning downward.
*does winter get you down?
*do you know how I can pull up?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

SPT- It's All In The Name

This week's SPT subject is - How I Came Up With the Name Of My Blog?Well it's pretty obvious that these are our children & we are holding at six.
Years ago when we got our first email address I was trying really hard to come up with something clever & brett came up with it- sixandholding!
It stuck & I love it so it just seemed right to name my blog the same thing.
We always wanted to have a large family. Six was the perfect number for us. Some people think we are crazy- even family- but we did it. We brought six beautiful children into this world & now we have the awesome responsability to teach them how to live in it! Yes I thought about that every time we thought about concieving another one. (yes they were planned) It is a hard job, it is a lot of work & money & time & sacrafice. But let me tell you, the payoffs are huge.
A couple of years ago Megan worked for a summer in an orphanage in Ecuador. It was an amazing experience for our whole family, especially for her of course! She grew to love the children so much it just about ripped her heart out to leave. She still wants to go back every day but it's just too expensive with college costs etc.
While she was there Brett & I thought about trying to adopt. Yep- we were thinking about letting go of the HOLDING part. We fasted & prayed about it. I was struck by the awesome feeling that I was doing all I could do. There were other ways to help children in need & I needed to concentrate on those ideas plus my own six children. I love kids- I always have. Children bring so much joy to my life, my own children & other's. I am blessed & thankful to be

{yes I look crazed in this picture}


This is the view out my front door this morning. I can't remember a year when it has snowed so often. We may not get huge accumulations like this one (6" on top of what we already had) but it has been snowing at least twice a week for over a month now. If only we would've had this kind of snow in 02 during the Olympics- which by-the-way- I LOVED.
I will be posting my SPT later. Today I am messing around with the kids since there is no school again- end of semester teacher work shop day. No one is sick- hurray- & it's sunny! We are just having an at home day. Trent slept in until 8:20- amazing & absolutely unheard of! So you know it's gonna be a good day!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sickos Need Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup!

It seems like just about everyone is sick these days. Winter just does that to us I guess. Megan & Chloe have been sick. Brett & I drove down to Provo, picked up Megan & brought her home Friday night. She was really sick with a fever.... etc. Right before we left Chloe said she wasn't feeling well & sure enough she had a fever too. My dear friend Karen makes the best chicken noodle soup in the world & swore to me it was EASY then gave me the recipe. I made a huge pot of it Saturday & woo hoo she was right! It is so good & so simple to make that I just had to share the recipe in case any of you have sickos at your house too. Or if you are like me & homemade chicken noodle soup makes you tired just thinking about it.

These are the noodles I used -from Costco. Any egg noodle will do but these taste homemade so that makes it extra good.

Karen's EASY But So Good -I'm talking the best- Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Ever!!
(this recipe is doubled- it makes about 5-6 qts of soup)
6 Tblsp. Butter
2 Cups chopped onion
2 Cups chopped celery
2 Cups sliced mushrooms
Saute until everything is tender in a soup pot.
(I added 1 cup carrots diced also just because it seemed like the right thing to do & I didn't have that much celery )
Now add:
2 Cups cooked chicken -(I added 3 boiled chicken breast diced)
4 Cups of Noodles
Cover everything with water- just barely. I used the water from boiling the chicken & a little more.
Now add:
4 chicken bouillon cubes
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
Bring to a boil & simmer until the noodles are tender! Salt & pepper to taste.

Seriously great cooking starts with a great recipe. Thanks for sharing Karen!

*is anyone sick at your house?
*are you going to make this soup? You won't be disappointed!
P.S. To my sister Johnna - have fun picking up your missionary (my nephew) in Brazil! Good luck on your trip tomorrow & give him a hug for us! I will be thinking about you :)

Friday, January 18, 2008


I was sitting here reading blogs while Brett's car windshield is being replaced in the garage when the lunch crowd showed up out of no where. What the heck? There is an assembly at school & they are skipping it. (Are my parenting skills worrying you at this point?) I personally took two of them - jack included to take a math test this morning & it's the end of term so they are okay- I know Jack's grades & I am not worried. Shoot- they are only missing an assembly. Enough of the excuses - I'm glad they're here if they are going to go somewhere & hoping none of their parents sue me. Of course if some cool band showed up for the assembly they are going to be so sad- when I told them that they didn't seem too worried.

A few minutes of Guitar Hell- oops I mean Guitar hero. I can't even tell you how much I hate this game- yes, the one I searched for, stood in line for day after day for three weeks. I officially hate rock music. Trent woke up at 6:10 the other day & wanted to play it. I told him rock stars sleep in so you can't play guitar hero until at least 1:00. Brett told him we would have to change the words to one of his now favorite songs. Instead of
"I want to rock & roll all night- it would be- I want to rock & roll til' ten and get up by six AM"

Does this make you feel any better- this guy's studying.

I made them a "mountain man breakfast" that's what they call it at scout camp. Sausage, hash browns & scrambled eggs all together.

Maybe it's the food that keeps them coming? They were only here for about 40 minutes but-man I love these boys. They are great kids! Especially this guy Jack. He has been a huge help around the house & I love our time together at night when everyone else is in bed & he & I get to talk or watch Seinfeld reruns together.

*do you have teenagers?
It surprises me that I love them.

Trent & I... Driving Ballet Carpool

I am ballet driver this week. Trent went along with me the other day. He is really growing up. We used to practice conversation with the ballet girls- now he has conversations with them by himself! (Just like a regular kid without AS.) Sounds small & insignificant I know, but it's not for Trent. He is doing so great. The ballet girls are looking a little shocked - it was dark & the flash- you know.
Anyhow they are great to talk with Trent & listen to his excitement about having new shoes- his favorite thing- he can run & jump now baby!!
I got this shot of Chloe right in the middle of a jump. I love it.

Chloe is so graceful. She too is growing up too fast. I'm so glad I had the chance to take some photos this week.

*do you drive any carpools?