Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Great Gift Ideas... I'm done

An update. I am out of great gift ideas - except for gift cards to restaurants- or anywhere really. I love the idea of someone getting exactly what they want. I also love the idea of dinner out!
The winner of the See's Chocolates is Sherri- my dear friend Karen's sister.
I love her comment...
"I bet no one has the same Sees favorite as me! No one else in my family or my husband's likes these. It's the Mayfairs. Milk chocolate with chopped cherries, walnuts & cherry nougat. So good!Sherri from Seattle"
I have to admit I thought I had tried a mayfair but hadn't- I tried one today though. Good- I don't think I have ever had a See's I didn't like. I am so happy that she reads my blog & commented. You guys just don't know how much I enjoy your comments. Don't make me beg... keep the comments coming!
Happy Christmas shopping.
In sharing my favorite gift ideas I hope you are inspired & I'm sure you've learned something new about me. I know I have.
*do you have a great gift idea?.... I'm out.


Janae said...


Great blog! It's always fun to find a blogger that I actually know:) I loved all your gift ideas:) Janae

wende said...

I have LOVED your gift ideas! I especially love how we have all the same taste in everything and I kept nodding my head at everything you suggested. You rock Patsy! Good job!

Jill said...

Mayfairs sound pretty nasty to me, but treats are a personal thing so whatever floats her boat eh?

That's funny that you're out of Christmas ideas, thanks for sharing them.

Beth said...

I know your not out of ideas... (but I get it)thanks for sharing these!

Another one of your great ideas... your family has sent Jacob Christmas books (I have to say we all enjoyed them, they were always awesome, over the top).

I figured one year you would have sent the same one twice, but you never ever did. (good job) It is a super thoughtful gift.

Mayfairs sound like fruitcake candy.. Ick! Yes candy treats are so very personal... but I shouldn't speak too quickly because I have never eaten a See's I didn't like. (not all chocolate is created the same tho).