Saturday, December 8, 2007

Snowy Morning

This morning we woke up & the lunch crowd were asleep in the family room, so Brett & I decided to take Trent & Chloe out for breakfast.
Oops Trent hates the flash!

Wow the lunch crowd each have their own BIG cars.

It snowed last night. I was working- served dinner for 90 - on the way home I was white knuckles & a nervous wreck- BAD snow on the bench. Boy was I glad when I was finally down the hill- and so thankful Brett put new tires on my car the day after Thanksgiving- feeewwwww!

We left & half way to the restaurant we were going to, we remembered it's our Church's Christmas breakfast! What in the World? How do you forget something like that? It's a good thing Brett has a brain... & uses it... now & then... just kidding.
So we came home & got the list we needed to make a stocking for the homeless shelter & ran to Target to pick everything out! What a fun thing to do in the morning. Because of all the snow there were hardly any shoppers out. Next we stopped quickly at Wendy's for a quick snack of a breakfast because we're starving by now & the church breakfast didn't start until 9:30. I guess some people don't have kids who wake up at the crack of dawn- lucky.

Brett took a minute to show the kids the picture of Dave Thomas- the founder of Wendy's. He was such a good guy.

Here is the stocking- more on the Christmas breakfast/party later!

*Have you ever forgotten a big event, then remember just in time?
I wish I would've remembered Hailey's preschool graduation- that was a terrible forgetful moment that I really don't want to go into & I'm still knocking myself over.


Anonymous said...

haha you forgot Hailey's preschool graduation? That is so sad! When I think of forgetting a big event, I think about that choir concert when we thought it started at 5:30 but it started at 5:00. That memory STILL stresses me out! Looks like you guys had a fun morning!!-megs

patsy said...

No not ha ha- I was pregnant with Trent really sick & got the time wrong. I went into the bathroom & cried. As you can see it messed Hailey up for life... ha ha.
I remember being late for that concert & you hyperventilating the whole way there - that WAS stressful.

4 flood gates said...

Guess what?????? I got a delicious, surely somewhat nutritous & very fun package in the mail today! With a cute "good mail from Patsy" sticker on it. Plus a beautiful holiday card & thanks from Patsy card! Wow! This is my 1st good mail & I haven't won anything since 4th grade when I came closest to guessing the correct # of pieces of some candy (can't remember what kind) that were in a jar in the library at my school. My prize was a stuffed St. Bernard dog that was so huge that I got to ride the bus home from school sitting in the very coveted front seat right behind the bus driver. I know how lottery winners feel because boy, was I popular that day! As to this day, I obviously am not raising my kids right ( or live to far from a Sees) because my 6 yr. old wanted to open the package & didn't recognize the Sees holiday wrapping. Good thing, so I could sneak it inside the house & put it in an appropriate spot that only those who can be trusted would know about. Me!

Thanks again, Patsy! It was delightful getting good mail! Sherri

Kristy said...

I understand how you felt driving home. I drove home from the ER in that mess last night!!! YUCKY!!!

Janae said...

I am definitely relating to your forgetful least in the end you remembered:) We forgot the neighborhood Christmas breakfast just today:( I hate being forgetful!!

patsy said...

I am so glad you loved the good mail! I know just how you feel. Good mail is really the best.

Kristy- I am so glad you made it home safely.

patsy said...

yes I know it's 4:32 AM I couldn't sleep because I didn't get my primary music together yesterday. If my husband catches me down here he will surely think I am having an affair or something... that's how often I get up extremely early.
Actually, he'll probably think I'm down here puking or something, who am I kidding?
Either way if he sees me blogging he'll know I've lost my mind.hee hee

Jill said...

You guys must have been up super early, that's grim for Saturday but it worked out to your advantage.