I've been tagged by Janae... so here goes!
1. Most of my family lives out of state.
I love sending packages & good mail- it's a good thing.
2. This could be horrifying for some of you... but Christmas isn't my favorite holiday.
Too much pressure for me to make magic happen. I think I have accomplished some magic but I guess I will never really know. I want everyone to get exactly what they want & more. (It's all in my mind, I know- but I can't help it)
3. When my kids were little I was prepared really early like right after Thanksgiving. That's gone now but it was good while it lasted. I have to admit in some crazy way I like the thrill of the hunt- if I can get it.
4. I love treats - all year, but Christmas treats- wow!
5. Christmas makes me feel overwhelmed & guilty for all my blessings. I hate that about myself.
6. For Christmas I want a toaster that's a toaster oven too. A red one, Hamilton Beach at target for $35.00. I'm pretty sure I will buy it for myself after Christmas if there is any money left. Brett doesn't read my blog & feels bad buying appliances for Christmas- I say... bring on the appliances I love them.
7. I cry when I think about my kids not being home for Christmas as they get older. I am so happy brian is the district leader for his district at the MTC. Not because I think it's cool he's the district leader- because now I know for sure he really is doing great- which means he will be okay on Christmas. I will still really really miss him. Oh no... here come the tears again. Can you believe I almost never cried before this?
8. Christmas morning makes being the parents of six kids soooooo much fun.
9. One year when Megan & the missionary were really little & brett was still in college, we didn't have a lot of money. I stressed about getting just the right Christmas presents. On Christmas morning they opened their stockings they were so happy, they could care less about the gifts under the tree. They played all day with the boxes the candy came in from their stockings.
I learned a lot that Christmas- about Christmas & about kids.
10. I love singing in the choir at church at Christmas time. It's so fun to actually sing Christmas music not just listen to it- which I love too.
11. I love the Christmas program the Sunday before Christmas at church. Mostly music & the Christmas story. It's always beautiful.
12. Temple Square at Christmas. One of the biggest benefits of living in Utah is the beauty & reverence of Temple Square at Christmas time. We always wait for a "warm" night to go. It is stunning & all of the nativities from around the world are beautiful to see. I love how they play out he Christmas story by the tabernacle. It's amazing.

Hi Patz, we received your Christmas packages this morning. We put them under the tree to open Christmas morning. Now the 1 present we had doesn't look so lonely. Thank you very much for thinking of us. I know we'll love our presents. Love mom
I know what you mean about wanting to make Christmas magical for your kids, but I don't tend to stress about it. They're always so thrilled with the decorations, the good food and the bounty of presents (even if they're not big ticket items) that it's always good. I suppose this will get harder when they're older, but for now they're still easy.
This is a great list! I am with you on number 7. That will be a hard one when that day comes for me...it's hard to be a mom sometimes. I was laughing at your number 9 because it is so true! When they are little they love the boxes so much more:)
good job, loved your list. i am so worried about making christmas magic, but somehow it always is. i don't think it's because i have anything to do with it, it just is. two of my brothers did christmas in the mtc and both said it was the best christmas of their LIVES, even better than anything they could remember as kids. brian will be fine, but i'm with you, that will be a way hard day for me too. i will be calling you since you will be such a seasoned vet by then! also, i love to send packages too! i was kind of sad this year to have in-town family to buy for, no packages to mail.
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