Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Everyone Loves Sees

I have been working a lot because of the busy holiday season. This is one of the many ladies I work with- I'm not sure she wants me to put her name on my blog? She is so much fun to work with & a GREAT cook just like her mom. Saturday I left my camera at work after taking this picture, I felt like I had left my right arm. Blogging has truly changed my life. Here is a picture of Hailey who didn't want to go to the church Christmas breakfast so I took a picture to document it. I am calling it - Hailey At Fourteen. Every time I take pictures I look through the camera afterward & the ones of her have mysteriously disappeared. hmmmm

My dear friend brought this by yesterday. Isn't this the cutest thing you have ever seen?! It's a box of graham crackers, bag of marshmallows, & large chocolate bar. The little marshmallow ornament matches the plate which has a quote on it that says "Let it Smore."
Here is the note with the indoor smores recipe. She also made smaller versions for neighborhood gifts that had a smaller pack of grahams, ziploc of marshmallows, large candy bar... you get the idea. I just had to share this idea because it's such a great one.
And, as if you needed more proof of how fantastic See's Chocolates are...

Sunday morning I was reading a book with Trent and I could hear Max eating in the dining room. No big deal, right? Then later I went into the kitchen & he was just eating as fast as he could knowing he was about to be in big trouble! I couldn't believe it. The kids had put all of the packages under the tree. He probably could smell it & just couldn't take it anymore!

It's a good thing they are replaceable.
I tell ya, everyone loves See's.


michelle said...

I love the smores gift!!! I will have to remember this one for next year. It is darling!!! I too LOVE Sees! There is nothing better! :)

wende said...

can you blame the poor dog? everyone does love sees! hailey too will come around, give her a year, i think she's wonderful! you can send her to come live at my house any time! :)

Janae said...

See's are my absolute favorite! Truly the best chocolates around. Poor Max was being tortured by the smell:) I love the cute smore gift:)that's really a fun one!

Jill said...

You don't seem very bugged by Max's indulgence, that's good.

Someone needs to tell Hailey she's going to be sad she deleted pictures of herself one day. I'm so bugged that I hid from the camera as a teenager!