Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Made It!

Just in case anyone out there is worried about it... I only dropped my fork once during salad, other than that it was actually the most relaxed of all the dinners we have been to so far. Especially after I went into the bathroom & took off my too small girdle which was just about cutting off the circulation to my legs. It was at my favorite restaurant down town after all, and after dinner the new region president had a really fun game! He had gotten $50 gift cards from 14 different stores & we had a white elephant type gift exchange. It was fun & we ended up with this one. Boring but practical, so that's okay with me. Basically I am a big baby for complaining this year. For those of you who don't live in Utah - Smith's market place is the same as Fred Meyer or Kroger.
*do you go to a company dinner?
*have you been yet & did you survive it?
* do you wear a girdle... really folks... is it too small?


Janae said...

So glad you made it! It seems like we all have to get through one of those:) I like the gift card idea, fun!

wende said...

a girdle? holy crap patsy! the closest i've come to that is super control top panty hose that suck me in from belly button to knees. they rock but by the end of the day i'm depressed when i take it off and everything comes flubbing back out again. :) i'm glad you survived your party and that elvis didn't visit you while you were there! :) ps i love smith's market place, they always have good deals on cute shoes!

Jill said...

That's so funny that you took off your girdle (or that you wore one at all) after dinner, no wonder you were stressed. Any suck-you-in-type clothing is cause for worry.

At least you got a gift card. Randy's party had a bunch of prizes from nice popcorn, nice board games, photo printers, and ipods but we didn't win anything. The food was pretty good, but the night was torturous.

Anonymous said...

A too tight girdle is probably the worst feeling in the ENTIRE world! I don't blame you for taking it off! -megs

Rachel said...

A girdle? Aren't they supposed to be too small? Isn't that the point? Anyway, snaps to you for taking the blasted thing off. Be free, I say! Especially after a lovely dinner. :)

We used to go to holiday company dinners when I worked - and yeah I got nervous! Even though I worked with these people every day. Silly me! It's the whole eating thing - in certain posh downtown places, you have to do it *just so*, and wow does that make me jittery! Robert's office just has a little party during the day, so we haven't done the whole corporate thing in a while ...

Beth said...

Im so proud of you for going every year even in the state of mind you get yourself into.

You are a great people person, its hard to imagine these freak you out so much. But it sounds real.

Im glad its over for another year... maybe next year will be the year you don't get freaked.