Tuesday, September 30, 2008

spt- inspired

(me leaving megan's wedding ceremony & on my way to the reception last May)
Blogging has inspired me in so many ways- this weeks SPT is hard for me because I just don't feel like I can put into word how much I love it & how important it has become to me.

But being the big mouth that I am--- I'm sure I'll find a way.

1.- I'm inspired by these spt's- thanks lelly for reminding me to document myself through photos. It was really hard at first to put pictures of myself out there... I don't know why us women are so hard on ourselves- but we are- I am too- & yes I hate photos of myself. But hey- I'm here, I've got the proof now even if it's not my "best self."
(Christmas morning 07)
(July 4th)
2. I feel closer to my family. My extended family read my blog. Some have blogs too. I feel like they are part of our lives now. Even though we are far away & only see each other a couple of times a year- if that- we are involved in each other's day to day lives because of blogging. That's huge for our family & very precious to me.
3. I feel inspired by so many of you personally. No matter what the media says, no matter how bad it seems- this world is full of fantastic women. Women who may be different in many ways, but more importantly are the same where it counts. We are all trying to be the best we can- raise good families, create beauty around us, serve others, put dinner on the table, live within a real budget... it goes on & on. I am amazed at all of you. I am continually buoyed up by your comments & support. I am thrilled to be a part of the blogging world.

Monday, September 29, 2008

random monday

I love this picture of jack not wanting to get his picture taken waiting to leave for the dance. Why- because on Friday the senior class went up on the mountain to paint "their letter" white. You can see the white paint still stuck on his scalp. He was covered in white paint... I wasn't home & didn't get a photo!!! dang- I have pictures of megan & brian covered in white paint from their senior years- maybe someone has a picture out there?Sunday we drove down to the newlywed's apartment & had lunch with them. They are so cute- they have a darling apartment- I love them. Trent wanted to see everything- oh thanks for being patient guys.
Today I went shopping with the peanut & my sister.
Look who's walking- the peanut! gosh I just can't believe how cute this guy is & already walking? amazing- i guess he is a whloe year old now. It always takes him a while to warm up to me. He refused to smile. I think he was just so serious about buying this chair.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

big date

Last night was the big homecoming dance at the High School.Jack went with the most darling girl- Kristy's daughter Emily- is she gorgeous or what?
Wende took some photos for Kristy & I- thanks wende! Jack of course as always has one of his favorite cowboy belt buckles on for the picture ..... hmmmm. I'm just so glad he went, & with a great girl, & had a great time- so I'm not saying a word- not a single word about the PBR (professional bull riders) belt buckle. ??
This was for sure one of the funnest Homecoming dates ever- they went to dinner at Olive Garden, then went to the dance. After the dance they went to Jack's friends, dad's hanger. They watched movies & took turns taking flights to view the city lights- temple square, etc. Cool.
It was so kind of his dad to fly the kids six at a time.
What a thrill!!
*did you go to H.S. dances?
*would you have let your daughter go on the flight...?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

they were here!

Okay- look what was in my inbox last night!!!!
a very sweet message from a very sweet Chilean family who celebrated the missionary's birthday with him. Yep they were here- my site meter confirms it.
(I knew he would somehow read his birthday post.)Looks like he is doing great & had a fun birthday! I am so- I can't explain it- Just thrilled beyond words to see that he looks great. I can tell he is happy :) Happy children= happy mom.
Now this pink hat.... I'm sure there's a story to go along with that?
Thanks for making my day/week!

Friday, September 26, 2008

happy birthday brian- 20

It's the missionary's birthday today...
(I'm starting this post on Monday- I'm not sure I can write it when the day comes. Not that I miss him... I just haven't seen him & only talked to him twice for a few minutes in a whole almost year.)
20 - things I love about Brian
1. He is responsible- I can't believe I am writing this?- No offense Brian, but come on... remember 7th grade when you told us the morning of you needed homemade french food for your French class & really thought we could come up with something? We even tried - but found out the hard way that French toast is from Texas.
2. He can take a joke- LAst night we were reminiscing about the time Jack got mad at you & sewed "BUTT" into the back of your favorite hat with white thread. You wore it part of the day.... ha ha ha ha. I think you were pretty mad at first but then laughed it off... oh my.
3. You're strong & you run fast- I don't actually like this about you. Remember when I squirted you with a squirt bottle? you took it from me & doused me in the face. I couldn't stop laughing but I was so mad.
4. You are funny.
5. You are annoying & go too far usually when you are funny. but it's still funny. kind of. after the point.
6. You have a way with fashion. I'm not even going to elaborate on this- if you know him- you know what I mean when I say two words- denim thong- it's scary people.
7. You finally made it to school & church without crying for your mommy at 12.
8. You have hairier legs than dad- but big news... Jack could give you some competition on this now!
9. You used to help around the house a lot.
10. You are good with trent.
11. You have a lot of friends & make friends easily.
12. You have good friends & refuse to date skanky girls.
13. I miss your friends too.
14. You can speak fluent Spanish now & even translate for speakers sometimes in only 8-9 months being in Chile! Amazing
15. The girls at the MTC called you a mama's boy because you talked about me so much! Oh my heart is swelling with pride.
16. You used to leave "love" notes in your pockets- which made for great laughter around the house... after I hung them on the microwave.
17. You love serving the people in Chile & they love you too.
18. MOre importantly... you are a good missionary.
19. You follow the rules. (that was our big worry that you would goof around & not follow the rules- look at you? all grown up!)
20. You have a testimony of Christ & are willing to leave your family for two whole years, put aside college, and girls... to follow your convictions.
PS. if you get to read this... I hope you found a cake pan to make the cake mix & decorate the cake with the birthday package I sent you.... love mom

Thursday, September 25, 2008

missionary update

Tomorrow is the missionary's birthday. He will be 20! I wrote his birthday post & scheduled it on Monday... I am hoping he will get on my blog for his birthday, anticipating a post. (once in a while, with members he gives them my blog address & they bring it up to see our family)These are them- all the pictures we have since he's been in Chile. Except the one on my sidebar. It's really strange to go almost a year with out seeing your son. It's an honorable cause & I feel so lucky it's not for some awful reason.
This week he sent his regular group email- OH THank heavens for email!! - then he sent Brett & I one just for us. Here are some quotes from it.
" Oh, our ward mission leader got released so we dont have someone to teach the principles of the gospel... guess what, I teach it. I never thought I would be teaching classes in the church in spanish arent you proud. I really love to teach it. I didnt have anything prepared yesterday cause they told me when I got there but we talked about charity. It was really cool and I love to teach it. That is the class where all of the investigators and new members go to be able to learn at a faster pace. It was really cool. I love the language, I really do. I think I am going to have a rough time going back to english when I get home. You guys are going to get here and I am going to have a rough time talking with you I think. I talk in english with the other gringo elders but we talk in spanglish because they understand them both when I accidentally throw in spanish words but when I have to talk in straight english it gets really complicated and rough and my brain starts to hurt. It is actually really cool and it is obvious the Lord has blessed me."

I can't believe it has been almost a year!
Brian if you read this- did you get my birthday package? Did you make the cake, frost it & use the candles? do you even have a 9x13 inch pan? I hope you can find that and a mixer. If you can't find a mixer just stir it really well.
Now- in the next year- I need to get a passport & some shots & some plane tickets & some guts... because- you'd better believe wild horses could not drag me away from the opportunity to go pick him up & bring him home.
Then 6 months after that... Jack will go - sigh- kids?? Why did I have them?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

where have I been?......

Missed my post today... wondering what the heck is goin' on?
I'll tell you what's goin' on... I went to the doctor & he told me-
I could slowly stop using the crutches & start walking on the boot- well- you know what that meant? I haven't used the crutches since about one our after that!!!
wooo hoooo I'm free. Yesterday Wende & I went to visit Megan, (the very happily married newlywed- she's just so stinkin cute) shopping & to lunch. (Just think of all the money we've saved having me stuck on the couch for almost two weeks!?) Part of the time wende pushed me in a wheel chair- ya I can't walk all over the place yet- (and NO sir I do not want to re injure myself. )It was quite the comical scene, I'm sure- watching us. Me with Ethan on my lap & bags. Her pushing the chair. Every now & then I would drop something then we'd have to stop & pick it up. It was worth it though & a really great day. (Thanks for pushing me around Wende)
In the mean time
look what arrived at my house!?
Well rub my head with jelly & lay me in an ant field -
It's a Package!
- my sister sent me a package-
thanks Ruthie!! You made my day.
Also- I made this amazing discovery- those jazzy carts you see at the store (I've been too prideful to want to use one)- I tried one & dang! Those babies are so fun. So tomorrow I'm taking Trent to target just to ride around. I've decided I may need to keep this boot just for jazzy privileges-
Fun Times!!
Well- besides that & limping around the house trying to catch up, that's what I've been doing.
*what are you up to?
*yesterday I got 71 hits & 6 comments???
*what the heck- I know at least 60 hits were from my mom ... but people throw me a bone- leave me a comment... or are you just sick of all the self centered broken ankle talk?? my bad-

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

spt- because of a blogger... in the kitchen

I don't know about you- but I LOVE cooking blogs!
The first one I had ever seen was the Pioneer Woman cooks- she's great. I love how she gives step by step instructions including photos! true. Genius.
Seeing her inspired me to look for others.... yes here I go again mentioning Mique- but her tried & trues have become mine. I love real recipes, from real moms, using real ingredients. Hey we're all just trying to get dinner on the table right?! The blogger world is making dinner easier for me.
Here are my favorites:
& I have to mention allrecipes.com- it's great when you are searching for what to do with all that ... zucchini or whatever you have on hand.
These guys have inspired my blogging buddies & I to create
It's been really fun to record some of my favorite recipes & in such a useful, easy to use way.

*what's for dinner at your house tonight? We're having this...
*have you ever been to any of these sights?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

tagged by wende

i am - funny & laugh too much- or at least a lot.
i think -about doing things but then don't do them
i know -who I am
i want- to walk & eat french fries.
i have- a bad habit of finishing people's sentences.
i dislike- slow traffic.
i miss- Megan & Brian living at home.
i fear -they will move away and never want to come visit.
i feel -like I should do more with my life, but I don't know what?
i hear- kids playing on the school playground from my house, I love that.
i smell - hey it's really hard to shower with a bum foot.
i crave- a perfectly clean, decorated house... but don't think it's worth the work & it's unrealistic
i cry- when I sing/hear religious or patriotic songs
i usually -talk to much & too fast
i search- for my sunglasses even on rainy days
i wonder- why people criticize large families when my responsible kids are going to pay their social security, & contribute to society in a positive way.
i regret- gossiping
i love- my sweetheart Brett
i worry- about the lack of morality & think it is going to be the down fall of this country- that & greed
i am not- going to finish college
i remember- being a kid & teenager. i think that's why I can relate with kids.
i believe- God lives & knows each & every one of us. Even though it's mind boggling.
i dance- poorly
i don't- always like to go to church, but I go anyway.
i write- a lot of emails
i win- rarely at games, but when I do I scream & yell & sing "I am the champion, my friends."
i lose- & it's ugly-- JK
i wish- my kids would play games with me more often....?
i listen -to Sunday music on Sunday/ talk radio/ Trent's really bad jokes
i don't understand- child abuse. I understand frustration... but not child abuse.
i can usually be found -sitting somewhere... but not for long!
i am scared- of natural disasters & spiders & water & swimming & roller coasters & sushi
i need to lose- my appetite- but that rarely happens
i forget- my planner & that is just so frustrating
i am happy- when my husband is happy- when we all sit down for dinner. When all my kids are home- I'm happy most of the time.... unless I'm not.

big fat baby stikes again

Look at this!!!
I stayed down ALL DAY yesterday, kept my foot up & wow. It looks so much better today. You can't see all the green & yellow grossness, but this is the first time I thought my foot looked good enough to put on the screen. DAng it now I wish I had a before & after picture. Do you ever have those days where you are so mad & cranky & either PMS or an alien from another planet took over your brain- of course not right? Well I had one yesterday & it was a doozy. Thinking about it this morning I am laughing at what a complete idiot I am. Luckily all our kids were off playing at friends homes except trent who doesn't notice anyway.
I decided that NO ONE was helping me. That was it. I'm sick of help- I'm doing it my self. (I am very stubborn this way, a lot.) I wouldn't let anyone get me anything, so I went mostly hungry & angry all day long. (Note: it's really impossible to carry food & walk on crutches unless the food fits in your pocket or you can stuff it in your bra) So string cheese & some crackers were pretty tasty.
My poor husband spent the day doing laundry, dishes, & working on a slide show of Christ for a presentation at church today. Get a load of that- I'm pouting & being a royal pain in the butt while he is doing that....Could I be a bigger idiot? I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy.
At the end of the night I watched the slide show-- sniff sniff. Maybe this is a lesson I needed to learn. Nothing happens on accident. I guess... I need help. I need more than help. I shouldn't try to do everything by myself all the time. I needed to be humbled. I need to strengthen my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This lesson I am learning-- why do I have to keep learning this over & over? I think I need mental help- or a brain transplant- do they do those?
So don't feel sorry for me- feel sorry for Brett- you know he's the one who is really suffering these days.... I've got to do better.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

gimping around

{Okay- I've tried to write this post twice & something is up with blogger- here I go again.}
It's been a slow week of sitting around the house. I had only left the house twice 1. my doctor's appointment 2. arctic circle drive thru .... until yesterday. Blogger moms kristy & karrie came over & picked me up to go to our "therapeutic Thursday" at janae's where we worked on projects & ate lunch- including Kristy's amazing artichoke dip (get the recipe here). I tell you what- It was so great to get out of the house!! I worked on cards & guess what I went up & down 4 stairs- I know, I know- Impressive. That therapy girl who made me learn stairs at the doctor's office, I guess she knew what she was doing.... Look what came in the mail!!!
Woo Hoo Fantastic Good Mail from Jill! Look how cute this package is-
And can you believe these cards? She is so for sure the GOOD MAIL QUEEN!
thank you jill- you have no idea how much you brightened my day :) Well I was feeling all adventurous & went with Brett to pick up my car- that's been in the shop- perfect timing to get some warrantied work done & guess what? I DROVE- then we went to Costco to get some milk... and guess what... they were out of those carts that drive around. Darn it- Brett offered to push me on a flat bed cart, that guy is always thinkin'. I declined. Instead I gimped around on crutches. My armpits will never be the same. When I got home, my foot was all swollen again- so ya, I over did it a little.

anyhow- it's been a good couple of days & I am feeling so much better.
today I had a little PTA meeting
I made dinner (with help)
I did some dishes
folded some clothes

real life it feels good

what a week!

It's been a whole week now since the "accident." A really slow week, but the worst is in the past. I can't resist listing all the food that has come into this house!! It's unbelievable- I wish so badly that I would have taken a picture of every single dish in the beginning to make a slide show- but seriously- who would have guessed?

6 main dishes
1 frozen casserole
3 salads
Spanish rice
2 dozen heavenly homemade rolls
cooked potatoes & carrots x 2
ranch dressing
4 pies
2 cakes
1 fruit plate
1 bag of pears
garlic bread
zucchini bars
chocolate peanut butter ice cream
ice cream cake roll
homemade salsa & chips
2 loaves of bread
1 jar of peach jam
one large chocolate bar
raspberry cobbler
one fantastic package in the mail

UNBELIEVABLE- I am feeling truly loved & just a little bit heavier!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

spt- because of a blogger arts & crafts

I can't even begin to tell you how inspired I am from so many of you bloggers!
Bloggers with great ideas who share them, of course,
I can't say that I've done many of these ideas........ good intentions be damned.
but now that I am sitting here on my rear end with nothing to do- I've got plenty of ideas to choose from. thanks blogosphere!
the first two ideas come from joys of home as soon as I can get my husband to go to the dollar store & Roberts crafts to pick up the supplies I'm going to do them. somehow having to send him to do this takes all the fun out of it- can you relate? Anyhow- how cute is this?

Just click on the photos for the unbelievably easy tutorial. A warning- since I've started reading joys of home I can't find a can of black spray paint at Roberts craft store. I'm sure they have them at home depot, but you know?

Another AMAZING inspiration is from Mique at 30 hand made days.If you've never been to this blog- STOP READING ME & GO THERE NOW she finds tutorials all over the net & puts them in one easy to find blog. So great.

I really want to make one of these... and the cute needle holder book Michelle tutorialed a while back.

so one of these days- I am going to take a picture of myself doing these things.but for now I continue-trying to wrap beautiful presents like Michelle-tying double ribbons around things like Kristi and trying to look on the bright side of life like all of you creative bloggers.

thanks for the inspiration- thanks for sharing

Monday, September 15, 2008

he gave me the boot

Well it's official- he gave me the boot.
My orthopedic doctor that is. I guess they use these boots now more than casts for ankles...? I am so disappointed! I really wanted a BYU blue cast so the primary kids could sign it on Sunday after singing time. Oh well. I go back in next Monday. Hopefully by then the swelling will be down & they can see if I tore my ligaments. If I did tear them that means - surgery- but he didn't think I did, or so he says. I was not in a very good mood after hobbling with my crutches all the way to his office on the far side of the building- oh my gosh- SERENITY NOW. Anyhow, if they are not torn- that means 6-8 weeks in the boot. I still can't put any weight on it, but hopefully only for 1-2 more weeks.
(I hope- I hope!!)
I got a little lesson on how to use the crutches to go up & down stairs. Then the nurse made me practice. Don't you think people who fall just walking their dogs should avoid going down sixteen stairs on crutches? HELLO?? Just standing near the stairs gives me the shivers, even with two good ankles. You had better believe I will be continuing my very popular, slide down the stairs on my bum- thank you very much. (Trent likes to watch me slide down) Trent came to me tonight- he thinks he may have broken his ankle too. ;)
He seems to have heard a pop sound.
At least someone is having fun!

*have you ever broken a bone?
*an ankle?
*have you ever been given "the boot?"
*can you believe an orthopedic surgeon has his office on the far side of a very large building??? I was crying on the way out from frustration.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, I've spent a whole 24 hours feeling sorry for myself- what a waist of time. Thanks for all your super comments. I am sitting outside on the porch with brett's laptop now & feeling much better. I wrote that last post while in a lot of pain. I am very happy to say that even though the pain has been really bad at times it's been better today. FEWWW! (I'm wiping my brow) It's amazing how life can change so fast & furious. It's all good though. Nothing a mother of six & five time kidney stone sufferer can't handle. Although earlier I nearly lost it when trent came in from the garage & said we were out of diet coke... wait a minute- there's more in the basement. We don't shop on Sunday so that was a almost an emergency. I haven't lost my sense of humor ;)

Chloe is out with me doing homework & telling me about her helacious English teacher. (what is a woman like that doing teacher jr. high?- & yes I am talking to the principal- sometimes it really pays to be heavily involved in the pta-not that he can do anything about it...) Jack has been out here telling me all about the FANtAStic BYU game yesterday where we beat UCLA 59-0 YES!!! Hailey is in practicing the piano- wow she's amazing. It's beautiful. Between the music, the beautiful weather, my sweet family... it's a good life.

ps. brett was made the stake Young Men's president today.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I'm miserable. I know I shouldn't be I have so much to be grateful for. My love language is service. I'm stuck here, I'm in a lot of pain, I hate asking everyone for every little thing, I'm super uncoordinated (no kidding) so I am not good on the crutches. I hate this. I. hate. this. I go to the orthopedic doctor on monday I hope they cast it. I hope it stops hurting so bad. I hope I fall asleep & wake up all better. I wish I would've gotten more done this summer. Sitting here looking at the messes I've been meaning to get to is killing me. I feel heavy & sad. If Brian were here he would sing me a song on the guitar he made up about how clumsy I am. trent tells me I need one of those neclaces on tv so that if I fall again I can push a button & an ambulance will come. Sitting, is hard for me. Everyone says i need to rest. I can't I don't know how. I'm miserable.

Friday, September 12, 2008

happy birthday wende

Today is Wende's birthday!
Wende is a great friend to me & so I am listing 34 (she's a youngin') things I love about her!
1. WEnde's funny- I love funny
2. She has a great laugh --it's contagious
3. She is an amazing photographer
4. she is very generous, seriously
5. she loves her husband & misses him so much when he is busy working right now on a huge project.
6. she has cool kids
7. she is an amazing mom
8. she volunteers too much- maybe even more than me- ???
9. she is really close to her family & her husband's family- that's cool
10. Her Ethan is just about the cutest little boy in the world
11. She introduced me to my Toyota Sienna
12. Yes we drive the same car
13. She has helped me with Sally Foster fundraiser for YEArs!
14. She has gorgeous hair
15. She sends good mail
16. She is really good on the computer
17. she taught me how to put documents into files in Microsoft word- I'm kind of an idiot
18. She is a really really great mom
19. she is not afraid of swimsuits
20. she takes her kids to water parks & plays with them there!! so amazing
21. SHE taught me how to pipe frosting on my cupcakes!!
22. she bought me my first disposable piping bags & tips- life changing
23. She easily, without hesitation shares her talents
24. She is sweet to my family
25. She has a way of making me feel really good about myself
26. She has a way of making everyone feel really good about themselves
28. She collects fiesta ware just like me!!!!!!
29. Shopping for her birthday was a complete thrill for me- fiesta ware - oooo delightful
30. We have been room parents together
31. We served on Community Council together for years
32. neither of us are "from Utah" sorry Utah gals, you just wouldn't get it
33. She was one of a few of my friends who is megan's friend to so therefore invited to the wedding dinner, etc.
34. WEnde is such a great friend-
thanks wende for being so willing to change your birthday plans just because I'm such a dork for brains!!!


humble pie

WEll- as you can see...my walking the dog, worm saving days are over for a while.

Yesterday I was walking Max- long story short- I broke my ankle. Yep it's broken. I'm lucky is what they say. It's a clean break, I don't need surgery- that is lucky!

Anyhow brett was in Houston on business trying to get out of the storm. While I was lying in the street in A LOT of pain. A city worker named DAVE, at least that's what the name on his shirt said, came across the street and helped me - YAE DAVE. I called blogger mom kristy who lived a block away & she came, took max home (she had to drag him in the house because he wouldn't leave me) then took me to instacare for x-rays etc. I was in shock & shaking & kind of a mess (remember I am just a little dramatic at times.) So it's been quite a day...
Well the blogger moms were supposed to go out to lunch for Wende's birthday- I am so stinkin mad that we missed Cheesecake Factory- they all came here with take out & we decorated the best we could. We had a great time while I lay half drugged on the couch loving every minute of it. Brett came home & called me-- spoiled. Yes, I am spoiled.
*thank you dave the city worker guy
*thanks jack for coming home from school, getting my RX, running around the house finding decorations so karrie didn't have to see the inside of my dirty closets
*thanks kristy for saving me off the pavement & not taking my picture even though I told you too (we are going to reenact it someday complete with one of the blogger mom's dressed as DAve)
*thanks karrie for picking up crutches & driving me home & getting me in the house & decorating & making me laugh
*thanks wende, lauri & janae for coming over & staying with me so jack could go back to school,
*everyone for bringing us dinner & spoiling me- I told brett that he could go to work today & you guys could come back ;)
*thanks lori for bringing me diet coke & donuts for breakfast.
*thanks karen for offering over & over to bring dinner tonight
*thanks becky for coming over & rick & linda for helping brett give me a blessing.
I am truly eating...
I feel like the luckiest, gimpy, uncoordinated gal on the block!
I have so much more to say but the drugs are kickin' in I am starting to drool & I've got to go lay down.... :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

saving lives one at a time

Today I went for a long walk. Well, long for me.
I have been walking almost every week day now for three weeks.
It feels so good.
I love Fall. It had rained last night & I love rain. (pictures are from last year)
The moist air & the peace of being alone with my own thoughts... made me feel so grateful for my turn on earth. While walking I saw pumpkins growing, smelled bacon cooking, caught a glimpse of Hailey coming out of seminary & even saved a life.

There was this worm on the street. Not the sickly little worms left over from a rain storm, but a real earth worm. Plump & struggling to get off the pavement. As I walked by I thought of being a kid & seeing my dad pick up worms & throw them in the garden. I stopped, turned around, picked up the worm, & threw him in the grass. Worms are good you know? It took guts, picking up a worm. Seriously I'm pretty sure that's the first worm I've ever touched in my entire life. I'm really not a "worm picking up" kind of gal.
Then, I came home & did the laundry...
put dinner in the crock pot, had a creative day with the blogger moms, worked on PTA stuff, wrapped presents for a friend---
I had a great day & that was just the beginning.

*What did you do today?
*are you just so jealous of my purpose driven, worm saving life?
(I really did have a great day)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

spt- because of a blogger entertaining & party edition

Because of an idea I got from a couple of bloggers-
Bakerella & Lelly

I had a cupcake swap last June!
Bakerella is one of my favorite sights with the most gorgeous cupcakes & other creations!
Lelly has her annual Soup Swap- which is such a great idea- I just thought for the summer I would put my very own twist on it with -
It was so much fun I would really love to do it again.
Check out my summer cupcake swap here!

*have you ever had a "swap?"
*would you like to? it really is fun... really

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A REALLY busy saturday

Yesterday was such a busy great day- & guess what my pictures are up!! Saturdays are always busy, but yesterday we had a Young Women's Conference for church in the morning that was amazing- then headed straight to ballet for Nutcracker tryouts- next to Laggon. After last year's tryouts I was a little nervous about getting her hopes up. I kept telling Chloe & myself- it's all good... etc. but look at this face...YES!
She made it- we find out tomorrow night what part.
Next the whole family went to Brett's office Lagoon day. Talk about exciting- we only go to Lagoon once a year so this was a big day.We headed straight for the bumper cars- not sure why- after driving Chloe to ballet & all the big talk we were doing about smiling & being brave, & good attitudes, & doing our best... I decided - that's it- I'm going on "Wicked" and all the big rides this year! I was totally pumped.Then- we got on this- (such an innocent photo) the twirly whirl. HUGE mistake. I was a wreck. I had a little or big panic attack. I started screaming & holding onto the bar saying loudly
don't move- I mean it!
I thought for sure I was going to lose my lunch. Chloe thought the whole thing was funny- apparently some of the people waiting in line did too. That almost ruined the day. I was queasy for hours afterward- I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. Even talking about it right now is making me a wreck.
We opted for a something a little less traumatic. Sky Coaster. There is something so peaceful & fun about the sky coaster.
Chloe & me on the sky coaster.
Trent insisted he was going on the white roller coaster (a rickety old thing.) I told him I would go with him... we got in line & Trent started saying over & over- I'm not a scaredy cat- I'm not a scaredy cat- some of the neighbor kids had said he was a scaredy cat for not making it on last year.
We got up through the line where we could see this. We were next in line- Trent started getting a little panicky. I can't really say much can I? As soon as the gate opened & it was our turn- Trent jumped over the roller coaster seats & ran down the ramp- no go this time.
don't worry from here on out it was all good

We met up for dinner with the office folks. There was a mix up on times so we almost didn't eat- therefore no family photos...

Hailey & friend were there, but we didn't meet back up with them until the end of the night when they were leaving.

Megan & tony came too- ya here they are with the smarty pants teen who didn't want to be in the photo... is his hair thinning?

Karrie & her girls met up with us just as it was getting dark & you won't believe it- after hearing Trent's white roller coaster story- she asked him if he wanted to get on it with her & guess what? He did it! That girl can get him to do anything! She also got him to jump off the diving board this summer- I asked him why he would ride with her on it & not me? He said- she needed a partner, she couldn't go on it alone- so cute. Hurray for Karrie! He has been thrilled to tell everyone he can get to listen about the whole thing all day.

*do you like rides?

*do you have a friend who can get your kids to do things you can't?