Friday, August 31, 2007

It's Hot - And I'm Mad

Today was Trent's day to celebrate his summer birthday at school. Just before school got out (it was an early day) I went in with juice boxes for him to hand out to classmates. It was SO HOT in his classroom. The poor teachers & kids. I think this is the hottest year that we have been here- and guess what? There is NO air conditioning in UT schools unless you're a year round school or new (that means jr high & H.S. too). Yes, you read me right- no air conditioning. It was a whopping 89 degrees in his class. The poor teacher a 26 year veteran, had a cold compress around her neck. There is a portable swamp cooler & fans (that she paid for with her OWN money)...but yes it's 89 degrees. His teacher told me that a boy in the class had heat exhaustion threw up & had to go home early. I am so MAD. It would be cruel & unusual punishment for prisoners to go without air conditioning~ but teachers & kids- who cares?! Well I do & I am writing to the school board & my legislators today. If you are interested here are some email addresses for you. Just for your information the computer rooms, offices & administrative office have AC- you see they are open year round- YA Right
The Senate-
Sheldon Killpack
Gregory S. Bell
The House-
Brad L Dee
Paul Ray
Curtis Oda coda@utah.go
Douglas C Aafard
Kevin Garn
Julie Fisher
Sheryl L Allen
Paul Neuenschwander
If you would like a copy of the letter I sent post here & I will email it to you!
Obviously I am not running a political blog here & on a lighter note have you seen these...?
I have & I love them.

I love this picture of trent- who looks like he is cherishing this candy bar. By-the-way, they are really good. Truthfully he almost never eats candy, would much rather have an apple. He does love cookies though.

Lunch At Jack's House

(Notice how none of them are smiling & the groceries on the counter. Do you think they are tired of my blog pictures?) Silly boys.
This morning at 7:05 Brett rolled over & said - what day is it? I replied, it must be Saturday. He said No it's Friday & where are all the kids? Well, it's only the third day of school & we all slept in! Brett & Jack forgot to set their alarms, Hailey slept through hers & chloe's doesn't go off until 7:30, so there you have it.

Jack was late- school starts at 7:20, Hailey made it, & Brian the missionary in waiting slept through it all- he's lovin' it- he might as well it won't last. (he didn't have to be to work until 10:00)
Anyhow, I volunteered at the jr high from 8:30-10:30. Came home, let the dog out, ran to Albertson's (they are having a big sale) , came back & started blogging when...
suddenly I heard a key in the front door. It opened & there was Jack with six friends home for lunch. There's a new lunch policy at the H.S. If you have good enough grades you get an hour lunch. So here they are with all their fast food, etc. Some brought frozen pizza to make here. They are such a great group of boys. I am glad they came & I let them know they can come anytime. Good thing I bought extra .25 candy bars at Albertsons!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day of School 07'

Do you think these two are excited to go to school? Or is all this enthusiasm about having their picture taken by their insistent mother?
Well, every year I take their picture on the first day of school so you think they would just give up trying to leave with out it. Jack told me I could take a picture of him driving away~ very funny. He is a big Junior in H.S. this year~ very exciting. He is so smart & in all honors classes. We like him. Hailey is in 8th~ also very smart and sporting the very popular 13 year old hairdo. (over the eyes) Hailey are you in there?!! Hee Hee- she is going to kill me when she reads this. Hopefully they don't have access to the internet on the first day of school.

I took him up on the picture leaving since his buddy just got a "new" truck~ which they have fondly named ... The Cow. Remember when you were in H.S. & trucks like this were cool? Jack is envious. He will feel a lot better about it when he starts seeing how much gas it takes to run this heifer. I keep reminding him about that~ somehow gas mileage doesn't seem like such a big deal when you don't have a car. Oh the realities of life...

On the other hand here is a cute couple of really excited school goers! Wow - they were so thrilled & who wouldn't be? They both have the BEST teachers, go to a GREAT school & are going to have so much fun.
I saw trent while I was at the parents back to school meeting & he looked so nervous. I was surprised because he was so excited when he left. He will be fine~ he thrives in routine, but let's face it, he's had the summer off. That was fun, oh well- back to work.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chloe's Day

This is what Chloe got for her birthday! Just kidding~ it was outside the ice cream shop & we loved it.

Here is Chloe & friends at Cold Stone. What fun! She ordered cake batter with brownie~ aimee & brittany's recommendation.
Tomorrow is the first day of school. I have been running all day getting things done & ready. This is crazy. I'm ready for school just not all the work it takes to get there! What happened to my theme simplify & enjoy eeeeeeeek?!!


Chloe is such a sweetheart. We all adore her! Today is her 11th birthday & here are 11 things I love about Chloe...

1. She is great at cleaning. Actually she is the best little cleaner you've ever seen. She is also great at organizing. Now & then "just for fun" she organizes the pantry.

2. She loves animals. Max adores her & cries at the door when she leaves. She has babysat the neighbors dog many times this summer & has a stash in her savings account to prove it!

3. She loves dolls.

4. She is a great dancer & very dedicated.

5. She is really patient with Trent & loves little kids.

6. She is fantastic at playing the piano & practices 60 minutes a day. 30 in the morning, 30 in the afternoon.

7. She can shake her hips like no other & is a great disco dancer.

8. She is funny & likes to jump out of corners scaring people. (I actually don't like this)

9. She reads her scriptures every night~ even if it's just one verse.

10. She is a good friend & chooses good friends.

11. She is EASY to love, fun to be with & gives the best hugs.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Family Night Pictures

Tonight during family night this was Jack. He has a tendancy to put things on his head.

Back in eighth grade before a piano lesson he had his belt on his head & we bet him $5 that he wouldn't go to his lesson like that. Well, he did it. It was so funny we megan, brian, hailey & I about died laughing when we dropped him off. So in honor of that I told him there's a hot 10 bucks in it if we wears this get up on the first day of school. No one else in the family will go in on it. They don't want to risk it. Brian says enough people still know him so forget it. Coward.

I went a little picture happy after FHE.

Sooner or later Hailey is going to learn to pose for the camera. No one ever looks this cute in a surprise picture~ she's a cutie!

Chloe watching TV with the DVR clicker.In our house no one wants Trent to have the clicker he watches a 30 minute program in about 3 minutes skipping through everything. We call it watchin TV ~ ADHD style.


Trent & Mom taken by Trent
Today I needed to drive ballet & after the last week's happenings I decided I would take Trent with me. It is a big undertaking since it is a ways away & I wait the hour & 1/2 for the class to get over instead of driving home & back. Having Trent in the car for that long in 95 degree heat-yes it's hot again- is not an option so we had some mom & trent time at the Mcdonald's play land.
He talked to chloe & the ballet girls the whole way about how brave he was & how he was going to go on the new ride at Lagoon called Wicked. Then he mentioned how he was once in a building that blew up- but don't worry he "survived it."
When we got to the play land he asked me which way he should go first to play. I immediately said to the top! Trent- I'm not going up there it's too scary. So much for bravery.

When we got there we were alone. He was thrilled when three brothers showed up. He introduced himself & asked if they wanted to be his friends. It was really cute & they played just fine- then Trent tried to get their addresses & invited them for a sleep over. (we don't even allow sleep overs) the kids were just a little bewildered. I love how kids are so friendly & uninhibited. He really wanted them at least to come over & play I tried to explain social rules & how we don't really know them etc. He just cracks me up.

Chloe's Birthday Dinner

Tonight was Chloe's birthday dinner.
She decided to have her birthday dinner tonight instead of Tuesday~ since that's the night before the first day of school. She chose the menu~ steak, chicken, potato & fruit salad~ plus peach & blueberry pie with ice cream.
Notice I put 12 candles in the pie on accident.
Brett noticed & pulled one out just in time.

Aimee, Sean & Cole came~ is he the CUTEST baby ever or what?

Brittany was here too!

Megan brought her friend Tony.
It was a lot of fun. We should do this more often. Chloe is such a doll~ and I am not saying that just because I'm her mother!
Happy Birthday Chloe~ We love you!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Monk~ New Favorite

I don't know how many of you out there watch Monk~ but we love it at our house. Are you sick of summer reruns- I have hardly watched any TV this summer for that reason, plus there is nothing but junk on. Until Karen introduced us to Monk last spring. And, guess what Monk's new season has already started. It's a great family show- clean- funny- good writing. New episodes air Friday nights (we DVR it of course) it's on the USA network. Check it out!

Boy Scouts Wall Lake 07

Brett just got home from camping & with these great pictures. Of course I wanted to post them right away. Only two scouts went- but brett said they had a lot of fun.
Again brett didn't catch any fish- dang! Oh well, I guess he just needs to go more often.

I thought these pictures were beautiful!

What great guys~ so glad they had a good time & came home safe.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Breakfast Buddies

I love these gals! We have been friends since we moved into our new house & were in the primary presidency together. Now & then we go to breakfast together-not enough. Usually we have one more with us - she is coming with us after school starts-we hope. These ladies are such good friends I can't even begin to tell you how great they are. They have brought me dinner when I've been sick - Lori talked me into going to the doctor a couple of years ago, I had pneumonia & didn't realize it- stuck by me in ugly PTA issues - like I said I love these guys.

Birthday Bash!

Last night was Lily's 8th birthday party at Build A Bear. Talk about fun, what a blast!
I am kind of going backwards with the pictures, but here they are with their bears. Making funny faces. And below is my favorite picture of them making funny faces up close. What a bunch of cuties.
Trent had never been to Build A Bear & loved it, until he was done then he was a royal pain in the back side. Hard to believe looking at this darling picture. You see, he wanted to run through the fountains with his new doggy-(can you imagine?) & when mom said no- fit deluxe.

Well, the girls were darling, Trent finally pulled it together, & look at this face. Lily was in heaven.

We really love this Lily at our house!~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Daddy Daughter Dinner & Fun

Tonight was the much anticipated Daddy daughter dinner night for activity days (chloe's group of church girls). It was a western themed night with dinner- sloppy joes, chips & root beer-games & a skit by the girls. Quote from chloe-" we had a three legged race, wheel barrel race, potato race (running with a potato between your knees) then we did our cow girl cinderella play. I was the step mother. It was fun dressing up. It was all fun. It was great to be with dad."
Lily, Caroline & Chloe- dad said to give him our "tough" faces.
Hailey had YW- "spa night", Jack had football, & Brian went to the temple with friends.
Trent & I sat on the porch & watched a rain storm, with thunder & lightening.
It was a busy day of cleaning. I made a list of jobs & all the kids including the neighbor kids who were over picked one & we all got them done. I guess that serves them right for coming over- just kidding. Hey if your here you're family. It's been a good night although Trent continues to make unwise choices- jumping onto the hood of the car as jack is backing out of the driveway. I am scared one of us isn't going to make it to his teen years. (Watching Jack carry him in by is shorts up to his room for a lecture did warm my heart- he's a good brother) Is it the ADHD or the eight year old? All I know is I'm not sure my best is going to be good enough, but I really am pulling out all the stops & trying hard. Six more days until school starts- not that I am counting or anything. What made me think I could do this job?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Scooter...Scared To Death!

Today was a very exciting day for Trent. He finally had enough money for the new scooter he has wanted to buy! He really wanted a scooter & believe you me we have had many scooters, at least 3-4 or more over the years that are now lost, have been broken etc. Well, he got some money from his aunt keri in a birthday card & that put him close enough that I decided to spring for the rest of it. We went to the neighborhood target to buy one & there in that scooter section were three older boys from our ward. 12, 10 & 10. They were so nice & helped trent pick out his scooter told him which ones were cool, very cute.
As you can see we barely got out of the store when we opened it & off we went home. On the way home we talked about stranger danger, wearing a helmet... etc. Well, there was one thing I didn't think of.
I had a meeting with the principal this afternoon- I am the community council president & had to set the agenda up for next week- when I came home Hailey said trent was at the neighbors. I called, not there- the neighbor kids we saw earlier had invited him & the boy he was playing with to be in a "scooter club." Well, they weren't on our street. I called all their homes they were no where. I started to panic a little. It's okay, it's okay... I got in my car & drove all over looking for them. No where. Then I called one of the boy's grandmothers who lives in the ward & she said they had been there. Now I was mad- that was a couple blocks away & near a busy street. She didn't know where they were now- but her son had heard them talking about home depot. Are you kidding me?! I was in a major panic & called the other mom. We all started looking. I picked up Jack & we went to the grocery store, not there. Next, Brian called- he just got home from work- so I sent him to drive the neighborhood. My neighbor looked at the park & elementary school. Jack & I headed to target- he took one end of the store I took the other. NO WHERE! As we were running out Jack saw them scootering out of the home depot parking lot. Jack ran over with me close behind him & BOY DID I LET THEM HAVE IT! (I have to say that I didn't swear-amazing). Trent started bawling as soon as he saw me, he knew he shouldn't be there but what's a barely 8 year old to do? The thrill of being with the big boys WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER, a "scooter club", it was all so, so, so... he said later he knew he should go home but he was far away & scared! I'm telling you I was furious!!
The scooter is put up- the parents have all been contacted-almost brett is calling one tonight. Trent is busted- I am a nervous wreck- hard day- so glad we found them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Day In The Life Of Me

(notice I have NO lips- what the heck?)
This has been a great day. I have gotten tons of PTA work done, dropped off registration- finally, took Jack to get a shot (chicken pox booster), many many other things plus trent played at a friends house- so good for him. Just wanted to thank Hailey for helping me so much this summer. She is great at keeping things in line at home so that I can step out once in a while. She is such a sweet heart, fantastic piano player(she practices everyday at least an hour- incredible!), and she is really cute. Especially while running away! Thanks Hailey!!

I guess she doesn't want her picture taken!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Big Part of My Life ~ Sunday Singing Time

Every Sunday I teach music to children. "Sunday school" in our church for children age 3-11 is called Primary. I am the Primary music leader. It is a job that I truly love. The songs are beautiful & full of the love of Christ. We have been preparing for our Primary program on September 24 when we are presenting what we have learned throughout the year to the congregation. It is one of the best Sundays of the year for sure. There is a lot of music involved, of course which we have been working on since January. Starting in August we are reviewing songs every week instead of learning anything new to be sure we are ready-plus a lot of families are on vacation. Even though it seems kind of boring to me to keep reviewing every week- I love to teach new songs- the kids seem to really enjoy it. We have played Name That Tune, Hide the Light-(one child hides a flashlight in the room while another is out, everyone sings louder & softer until they find it) & today rolled the music dice. It's a square cube with different words written on it like, skip a word, stand up, girls only...etc. It is their all time favorite.
Growing up in the church & going to primary every week I can only remember one or two of my teachers, but I can almost vividly remember the music leaders. The songs have stuck in my mind & even the posters they used to teach the songs. I know a big part of my testimony of Christ has grown from singing songs about Him as a child. It is so fulfilling to me to see these children learning & feel their beautiful spirits as they sing. A couple of weeks ago we were done singing & one of the boys said- Oh man, do we have to quit? It was such a compliment from a boy- especially. Today one of the boys who comes with his grandmother asked if we could sing a favorite song. I'll Walk With You. He is kind of a rough kid who doesn't have the best home life, it touched my heart & I held back tears. That song is about kids who are different or handicapped -walking & talking with everyone like Jesus would even if they can't walk or talk like most kids. Great Sunday!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Book Review

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio by Terry Ryan was my book club's choice for July. I have to say that I really thought it was a great read. It's a story of a woman in the 40's whose husband is a drunk. He spends most of his meager earnings on booze while his wife raises their 10 children by the skin of her teeth winning the contests of the day. "The Prize Winner"is a true story of courage, strength, love & ingenuity. I found it to be very uplifting and fun to read. It is written by one of the children & I found it remarkable how much love & respect the kids have for their remarkable mother. I checked this copy out of the library & found that their were many copies. It sounds depressing but truly is delightful. Evelyn Ryan- the mother has the remarkable ability to look on the bright side of life & teaches her children to do the same. (I had actually seen a story about the book on The Today Show-one of my favorite shows that I haven't seen since school got out- as much as I love certain TV I don't watch hardly any in the summer- so I was thrilled when this book was chosen.) If you are looking for something to read, check it out. It's easy reading & I had a hard time putting it down.

Children's Book Review

I LOVE THESE BOOKS! I saw the top one How To Behave & Why by Munro Leaf in an upscale children's store then went home & looked it up on Amazon. I was thrilled that there are three more. The only one I didn't buy was Reading Is Fun. (I am really regretting that I didn't get that one too)

Maybe some of you will recognize these books. I read they were popular years back & have been reintroduced just recently. I bought all three from Barnes & Noble online (I have a member's card) they were $32 including shipping. Great Deal!

Last night Trent & I read How To Behave & Why just before bed. He was mesmerized. The language is frank & honest yet light & delightful. The drawings of little stick people are charming & at one point Trent pointed at one of the drawings & said- hey that's me. The first page starts out..."This is really a book about how to have the most fun in living, and it doesn't matter whether you are a boy or a girl, a man or a woman - the rules are all the same." It goes on and lists four rules "I have to be HONEST, FAIR, STRONG, & WISE." Then explains each word and how they help you to truly behave and be happy.

I know we will be reading these for years to come, even to our grand kids. Check them out for the children in your life, you will be glad you did.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Field Day~ Sweet's Candy Factory!

Today was another summer field trip day! Karen & I took the kids to the Sweet's candy factory. It was a blast! I highly recommend it to anyone in the Salt Lake area. As you can see, soon after we arrived everyone had to put on a "candy maker hat." (Not everyone was happy about this). Our tour guide Emily took us through the warehouse then into the factory. No cameras aloud- don't want to give away any candy making secrets! We saw taffy being made, then jellybeans & cinnamon santas. Next we went into the chocolate room, where raspberry sticks were being coated in milk chocolate. The smell was incredible. We watched them be packaged & they even gave us a fresh one to sample. We saw Halloween candy being packaged & taffy formed & wrapped. We had a fresh piece of candy corn taffy that was even a little warm- delicious.
After the tour was over, Emily handed out bags of candy & we shopped the outlet store. It was so much fun. Everyone agreed the chocolate room was our favorite, along with seeing the window to the secret recipe room where surely oompa loompas live.

This trip I'm pretty sure mom had just as much- if not more fun than the kids!

Future Candy Makers Of America!

Construction Madness

My neighbors are remodeling & Trent couldn't be happier. I have already mentioned how I have the greatest neighbors...well this is further proof. Grant in the house across from us is in the middle of this HUGE job he is doing himself & he is so patient to let Trent come down & ask 20 million questions and "help him" on occasion. He has been so good to explain that he can help once in a while if he promises to never go over unless he has asked his parents & grant is there. Well this project is consuming Trent & killing the rest of us. Trent has been facinated by construction since he was three & even had a "construction" birthday party last year with 14 kids. (I wish I knew how to scan pictures) Last week Trent was sitting in this backhoe & said- Hey Grant, why don't you just let me finish this job for ya! He was dead serious. Of course, Trent bugs me every night to go down there, comes home after throwing fits & is completely filthy, wants to "remodel" everything in our house so he is always getting out tools & making messes everywhere. Maybe my neighbors aren't that great after all!?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Time To Move On

This year I was so blessed to get so many birthday cards & gifts for my birthday! I love them & I truly cherish knowing that someone took the time to send one to me. They look so great on my mantel I am having a hard time taking them down. Does anyone have a great idea on how to keep birthday cards or other keepsakes?

Monday, August 13, 2007


I am so crabby I don't really have anything to post about. It is so hot here I am miserable. I don't have any idea how people live in even hotter climates than this. It is a record 102 today & I feel like my head will explode. There is so much to do... kids bored, can't go outside,...sigh. Actually they are not bored~ I'm the one that's bored of picking up after the fun they are having. You know that saying about trying to do housework with kids is like shoveling snow in a snow storm ( snow storm how nice) right now trying to get anything done is just tough. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Peach City & Trent...I guess he was bored?!

I am lucky enough to have the greatest neighbors in the world who let us come & pick peaches off their tree yesterday morning! This weekend I have been busy mostly~ eating peaches. They are so good~they are incredible! Nothing says summer like a fresh peach. Last night & tonight I have made 3 batches of freezer jam-(notice the Ziploc freezer bags, they store a lot easier in the freezer, when you need jam just pour them into your container)- and froze 8 pie fillings! Plus I made this pie tonight~
which is gone now.
With all the peach activity etc. going on around here I have been so tired. Something about Sunday makes it even worse. As I get home from church I can usually can feel myself crashing. Today was no exception, except that everyone was tired. So after lunch I laid down on the couch & I was out. I didn't realize that most of us had fallen asleep- everyone but Trent & Chloe. They were watching a movie before I fell asleep & when I woke up everything seemed to be fine. So I started on this pie. Later when the pie had cooled I told the kids we were going to all pick up then meet at the table for our Sunday devotional & pie. Because of the pie, everyone was milling around getting ready when suddenly Hailey who had started picking up the blocks let out the dreaded- OH MY GOSH. Trent had gotten out the Elmer's glue and glued most of the blocks together. He was making a "waterfall for his train track." These are not ordinary blocks. They are one of our most precious toys. Grandpa messer had made them for us at least 18 years ago when megan & brian were babies- irreplaceable. So the kids got butter knifes & wash clothes and started prying them apart & wiping off the glue. I was so mad I walked into the kitchen where I immediately noticed about 10 cups of flour on the counter - trent had dumped out. I'm not sure when that happened. I guess we need to schedule our naps.

A Great Day

Let me just say this has been a very busy weekend. Starting with one of my greatest experiences ever. Brett & I taking our son to the temple! At first I wasn't going to post about this experience~ it's too personal, but then I thought it's too great to leave out. We opted to go alone, just the three of us. We just wanted Brian to focus on what he was learning & decided to go with family another time. I hope no one feels left out, we will plan a time to go together before he leaves for the missionary training center. Also, family... save the date if you can, he speaks in church on November 11th ~ but we are having an early Thanksgiving (his request) on the 10th & would love to have everyone come to both. Anyway, it was a mother's dream. One of the sister's in the waiting room said to me~ "today's payday." Even now tears come to my eyes (I almost never cry-really), because that is how I felt.
Brian & Mom August 11, 2007
Bountiful Temple~ Bountiful, Utah