Saturday, December 29, 2007

Game Night

Last night 3 of our favorite families came over to play.
We had loads of yummy food, the kids played hide & seek & watched Hairspray, while the adults played Apples to Apples. It was so much fun.

We (I) love Hairspray. So do these gals, don't you think? Brett & I saw it on Broadway 3 years ago. One of them got it for Christmas but hadn't watched it yet, she's hooked now!

The Johnson's came. We love the Johnson's. But after making the most delicious treats, Karen stayed home with a fever.

Brett is very proud & happy to say that he did this while he played. He has a real talent for getting babies to sleep. Which was especially tough when our kids were little, it was nap time, & he was at work. I tried to copy his techniques with little success.
Looks like Brett may have had too much fun by this picture. Or maybe a little too much soda?
I swear it was only soda people - really- we are not that kind of family!

* do you like to play games?
* can you magically get babies to sleep?
* have you ever played Apples to Apples?
* do you like Hairspray?


Anonymous said...

Your game night looks like so much fun! The baby is absolutely beautiful! I bet Dad had fun with her. You're right- he has the magic touch with babies. I'm just at work. It's slow so I'm making cards. I love to read your blog at work :) -megs

Jill said...

I like Apples to Apples, but don't do very well because my family doesn't appreciate the liberal way that I interpret the words, I think that's what makes it so funny but they tend to be too literal about it.

I have no magical skills with babies.

Rachel said...

Oh, I used to think I could magically get babies to sleep - I had so many awesome tricks up my sleeve - and then I had kids of my own. I swear, these two are so good at knocking down my tower of pride :) Bedtime is always a struggle, and I have to remind myself that soon enough I'll have the opposite problem - yanking them *out* of bed for school and seminary.