Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taste Test Wednesday- UPDATED

Have you seen these? I HAVE- I found one in 7-eleven (I love 7-eleven) last summer while stopping with the ballet girls to get slurpees (I love slurpees on a hot day.)
I fell in love with them immediately. I love Elvis & he had such good eating habits...?
So sure they SHOULD make a special tribute to him with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup- Right? By-the-way, who knew there were special addition peanut butter cups?
You can read about it here - a candy blog- which gives them a 7 out of 10- pretty good! Or check out the official Hershey website here.
Elvis reminds me of when I was a girl. My mom loved Elvis movies & somtimes there would be an Elvis Movie- on the 3:00 movie, which came on just as I came home from school. I think I remember my mom cried when Elvis died. Well, this afternoon while Jack & Seth were home eating lunch. I ran to the store & happen upon a few. The clerk told me NOBODY likes these- I said I DO I just haven't boughten any because the are so hard to find. I starting thinking maybe I should see if the boys like them or if I have just never met a chocolate I didn't like???

Seth loved them. Jack is faking trying them. The big wimp says he isn't a banana cream pie kind of guy. WHAT IN THE WORLD? Can this be my son? If he wasn't the spitten image of my father (the true banana cream pie lover) I would swear he was switched at birth.

Hailey went a long. She had mixed feelings.
Results on Chloe & Trent will come in today. I forgot to give them one to try since I was knee deep in a sewing project- in my newly cleaned laundry room-OH MAN AM I LOVING IT! UPDATE- THE RESULTS ARE IN.
You can see for yourself, Chloe gives them an enthusiastic thumbs up... Trent doesn't want to eat chocolate in the morning. I have failed as a mother. Last night was New Beginnings. A traditional program for Young Women in our church. Hailey played DeBussy. It was amazing. I snuck in a video- don't tell her, she'll find out soon enough.

I know I am up early- Brett comes home from a business trip today. I was having bad dreams & can't sleep. I miss Brian. I got up & read his last two emails & prayed he's okay.

*do you like/love Elvis? Come on You can be honest!
*have you seen these peanut butter cups?
*have you/will you try one?
*do you miss Brian too?


Beth said...

Good Grief that child is amazing on the piano! Loving her music!!

NO!!!! I AM NOT TRYING THE BANANA CREAM PIE REESE'S... im not, im not, im not!! I love Reese's so much, I am afraid of yet another chocolate addiction!! (but they do sound super duper yummy... it scares me, they sound so good).

patsy said...

Beth~ don't worry I am pretty sure they are not making these anymore- sad to say. So you're off the hook unless I send you one... now wouldn't that be mean spirited?!

Unknown said...

LOVE clarie de lune...

*do you like/love Elvis? Come on You can be honest! of course i love elvis! he's even in my home (somewhere he made it into an spt!) ha ha
*have you seen these peanut butter cups? haven't seen these, though i've rarely met a reese's peanut butter cup i didn't like
*have you/will you try one? i could be persuaded
*do you miss Brian too? i miss brian too! give us some updates...

PaD said...

I loved Elvis. He was way popular when I was 17. I loved how he loved the old Southern Gospel Songs and would stay up all night playing and singing them. I probably did cry when he died.

Tell Hailey I use to play that same song. I loved it then and she did really good. I'm proud of her. I don't eat candy that has milk in it so I won't be eating any Peanut Butter Cups. I like feeling good to mess it up. Mom

Jill said...

I don't know that banana creme Reese's are a good idea, I certainly don't want any.

I'm pretty indifferent about Elvis.

Hailey is so talented, I'm glad you snuck the video.

Kristy said...

The Reese's Banana Cream cups sound really gross. I would not buy them at the store if I saw them! YUCK!

Great Job Hailey!

Karrie said...

I can still remember where I was and what I was doing when
Elvis died. I 9 yrs old and we lived in norhtern Califorina and I was way sad because my mom and sisters loved him. I was also bugged because I was watching cartoons and all that was on was news about elvis. I don't know about the banana cream pie peanutbutter cups though?

wende said...

the banana reese's sound gross but i would probably try one just to see because i'm adventurous that way. hey, my favorite food is sushi and i was totally afraid to try it the first time!

i really miss brian! i know he doesn't live at my house and i don't actually know him that well but i miss your hillarious pictures and stories of him. maybe you should post some oldies but goodies just to keep us going!

i LOVE elvis! i mean LOVE elvis, totally and completely. i think because he's so good looking and wasn't afraid to shake his pelvis! he's a bit of a rebel and you know i love a rebel! how can you not love the guy that invented rock and roll? great post!

wende said...

PS great job hailey, keep up the great work, i've always wanted to be able to play like that, you are so talented!

michelle said...

Hmm, I am going oon a hunt tomorrow...for Bannana Cream Reeses! They sound sooo good! I think it is cute how you had your kids each try it. Good job Hailey! You have a great talent! :)