Tuesday, January 8, 2008

SPT- New You Resolution

Well- this is it.
I'm going to do it... I can't believe I'm going to do it...
Here they are, my very well thought out- New Me Resolutions
1. READ my scriptures & PRAY everyday.
2. WALK at least 30 minutes - at least 5 days a week.
3. CREATE something everyday.
4. Take better CARE of me everyday!

My word for last year was BALANCE.

I got married when I was 18 (almost 19). Had my first baby at 20- second at 21. By 32 I had all of my six beautiful children- and I meant to. Every single one of them . I did it. We did it. It was my goal, my dream to be a mother of a large family & I have LOVED (almost) every minute of it. Statistically I feel like a miracle- I'm still in love with my husband- and I have great kids- so far... Don't get me wrong I know it's not over, I know I have just begun in many ways to live the life I have chosen for myself. But- through it all - somehow I lost a part of me. I lost myself in my husband & children. I would do it all over again, over & over... but now I don't know how to take care of me. In the past two years my oldest left for college, my youngest went to school, & my son left on a mission. In that time I have gained almost 40 lbs. My world completely changed. I have felt totally out of balance. I think I forgot- what makes mom happy?
What do I do now?

2007 was a very hard year for me for many reasons- but 2008- this is my year.
I want to be healthy & I want to be productive. I want to be happy. My love language is acts of service so I love to take care of others & I intend to do a lot of that - but now I am going to really try to take care of me too.

This past week I have been doing all of my goals
I wanted to give them a trial run before I committed myself here in the blogasphere, and I am so happy to say I did it!! I did them all.
I am excited for this year-
I am excited to read, pray, move, create, & take care.
I am happy- right now I have- BALANCE.

Now if I could only get rid of the dark circles under my eyes everything would be wonderful!

*are you going to/did you wait until 40 to learn to take care of you?
*are you laughing at my feet?- I know they are funny- my family is shocked I'm sure that I put them on my blog- but hey- I painted my toenails today!


michelle said...

Oh, how I can relate to this post. You, and I got married just about the same age. Even had kiddos about the same time. I was just telling my husband that this is really a different season for me. I have started to think about myself more, things that would make me happy. It sounds like you have a great start on the New Year doing this. E-mail me anytime. Azsunm@aol.com

Becky said...

Good for you!!! I hope 2008 is a great year for you.

Unknown said...

i love that you are able to find balance with all that you do! sounds like you will be moving and creating through the year - and i can't wait to read all about it!

PaD said...

Hey Patz. Suprised to see those beautiful pink toes.

I'm glad you're going to do something for you and figure you out this year.

My goal is to become healthy. That's the only goal I'm working on this year.

Here is the best place to start being healthy. www.diseaseproof.com It's Dr. Joel Fuhrman's blog. I'll send you a place to watch his video. Good luck and I know you can do it.

Jill said...

You have some seriously funky toes, but hey they're painted!

I think your goals look good for this year and are totally doable. I'm interested to know what you mean by create something everyday. I hope you'll post your creations regularly so we can see what they are.

I think a lot of women lose themselves in their husbands and children and then it bites them in the butt later when they're no longer than own person anymore and their husband and kids realize this but don't appreciate the reason why. Hence balance should be a quest for all of us.

Holly said...

I am so glad to have "met" you! I appreciate your honesty and sense of humor.

Great word choice of balance, and I liked how you explained what it means to you. I wish you success on finding balance in all areas this year--especially since the past year held so many changes.

I haven't done my SPT yet, I'm still stewing on it.

Janae said...

Patsy, this is a great post! I love your goals and I think your a great blogger:)

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Lovin' your word- I haven't picked out mine yet but this seems like a good one. It's awesome that you've beat the statistics. And that you are so happy.
I wish I was more like you- more selfless. I feel most of the time like I am in survival mode. It can be really tough. So for sanity's sake I do stuff for me.

wende said...

You did a great job on this STP Patsy and I LOVE your funky toes! Ever since my foot surgery, I have spock toes, I'll show you some time. I love you word balance, it's so perfect for all of us isn't it? Good luck in your goals and good job being such an awesome blogger.