Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Tomorrow I will send the missionary his last package before he leaves for Chile.
The package service doesn't run on weekends & he leaves Monday. I'm sending it tomorrow just in case for some reason the one day service is a day late... just trying to think of everything... ya, I'm a little paranoid. I went to Costco & started thinking of all the things I wanted him to have, knowing he will be out of the country for almost 2 years. As I was looking at all of the shelves I started to cry. People were walking by & there I was with a box of anti-diarrhea & pepto bismal bawling. I called my sister - who had called me earlier but I missed her call- so at least I would look like I was crying to someone on the phone.
I got home packed up my box- filled it with goodies, stickers (he's really good with kids & I can imagine him giving out stickers to kids in the airport), cash for food in the airport, & a calling card. Brett came home & reminded me we had already sent him with all this medicine.
Oh ya...
Oh well- in all my planning I never planned on him being super successful & me being a wreck. I guess it just goes to show you can't plan for everything.


Brent and Ashley said...

You are the best mom- not a wreck! You're doing what all the good moms do...put their kids needs first and wanting the best for them! Bless your heart! He will be the BEST missionary because of you!!!

Unknown said...

i bet there will be a time during the next 2 years that your missionary will REALLY appreciate having duplicates of some of these things!!

i know you are so proud of him. i will never chuckle if i see a woman crying over a bottle of pepto bismol!!

Kristy said...

Hang in there Patsy! I am thinking about you. You are a great Mom!

Beth said...

Your doing great! It must be so hard, but it sounds like he is digging your packages! Your such a good missionary Mom!

I am taking notes so I can be half as good when/if my time comes!!

Take Care of You!!


Janae said...

I am excited for you that you will get to talk to him so soon! I almost cried at Costco the other day...maybe it's just the store;)

Jill said...

The image of you crying in Costco while holding Pepto-Bismol is so sweet (in a hilarious sort of way). You could write a book about your experience of sending off your missionary, your experience has been so interesting and real.