Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Brittany!

Yesterday Ruthie & I took my darling niece Brittany out for lunch for her birthday- which is today. We went to the California Pizza Kitchen, which was awesome! I haven't been there since we were in CA a while back since it is always PACKED in SLC and too hard to get a table. I can't believe I took a picture of the food- I always forget to take a picture of the food. This time I just forgot to take a picture of the three of us!!!
Can you believe it- I'm losing my mind.
So I took this one off her blog- it's a cute one- hope you don't mind Britt.Brittany is such a great gal.
In honor of Brittany here are 10 things I love about her.
1.. She is great with kids & loves Trent.
2. She is single & confident. So many single girls are stupid & desperate. Not Brittany she is independent & smart.
3. She has red hair. I love red heads. I wish I had red hair.
4. She is really smart. She graduated with an Associates degree from Ricks in Spanish & a B.S. from BYU in Elementary Ed.
5. She teaches second grade.
6. She went to Ecuador to work in an orphanage- which paved the way for Megan to do the same.
7. She is a great example to me & especially my kids.
8. She is fun to be around.
9. When she was little I used to send her birthday cards. One time while visiting she still had an old one, it was taped and stapled together because she had played with it so much. Aw- So Sweet.
10. When she was born I was 13- but she is still my friend!
11. She is so cute. She has the cutest clothes & is so stylish.
12. She is smart with money & has such a handle on her life. I was really not smart with my money at her age- I guess I am still working on that.
13. She hangs out with me now & then. I love to be around her - she's awesome & yes I went over my list of 10- there are just so many great things about her......
I hope you have a great day Brittany~ I love you!


michelle said...

Happy Birthday to Brittany! What a cutie. My niece went to Equador this summer to help in the orphanages. I wonder if they may have been in the same program? My niece L-O-V-E-D it. Have a wonderful Sabbath.

Brit said...

Patsy! Thank you so much for all the nice things that you said. I enjoyed spending time with you and Ruthie yesterday too! I love that we get to be so close! I love you!

Jill said...

She seems rather mature for her age, what a refreshing thing to see.

CPK sounds so fantastic to mre right now!