Monday, January 14, 2008

Long Morning

After waiting all morning...
Finally the missionary called!
Yes- Brian left for Chile today. We let the kids stay home from school knowing he would call as soon as he could from the airport. Everyone got ready, put their backpacks by the door & waited. That is until we remembered Chloe's science project was due this morning! What in the world, we did it again! We frantically printed off all the papers she needed & glued them to the board etc. Again, everything was done Saturday we just didn't put the board together. So we ran around with glue sticks, paper & pictures of Chloe & her project. We got it done & sat...
He called around 10:30 & he sounded absolutely fantastic! He was so so excited to be there ready to go. His flight left at 11:50 so we had quite a bit of time to talk, plus he is calling again from Atlanta where he has a 4 hour lay over. Next he is off to Chile. He arrives in Santiago first then goes to Osorno from there. He should get to Osorno 3:30 PM tomorrow, Utah time.
I am so thrilled for him. And... no I didn't cry. He is doing great- I am so proud of him.
Okay, now I'm crying


wende said...

i'm so glad you got to talk to him, and i LOVE all of your pictures of each person having their turn. i'm so proud of you for not crying, i'm definitely going to be crying! what an awesome guy, you'll have to give us his address (not pouch) so we can write to him. i'm glad he is doing so well.

wende said...

ok AND, that first picture of Trent talking and laughing, that is one worth printing! beautiful photograph.

Kristy said...

I am so glad that you got to talk to your missionary. You will have to give me support when my boys go out on their missions! I am glad he is off to Chilie to preach the world His truth(the primary pres in me coming out). Keep smiling:)

Beth said...

What a difference in you between the week he left for the MTC and this day he is on his way to Osorno! I am crying enough for both of us...

He is such a great guy! I love the pictures of everyone getting their turn too! Really fun morning, thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Get us a new address for sure, I fell off on my letters to him in the MTC between Christmas and New Years, but I want to get back into it and I have an account with Dear

Great Post!! Thank you so much!!!

michelle said...

This is such a wonderful post! What a blessing it is to have a missionary out serving our Heavenly Father! I love the fact that you captured eah family member talking to him. Everyone looks so happy!

Unknown said...

i love what you wrote, and love that there was the comedy of the science project (that's still a comedy, right?!?)

that being said, i seriously think you could have posted just the pictures, and we would have all known exactly how you are feeling!!

again, thank you so much for sharing your experiences through your blog.

Jill said...

It's so cute that you have pictures of all of you talking to Brian, that's so sweet.

I'm so glad he sounded good and so happy that you didn't cry on the phone. Hooray!