Friday, January 25, 2008

Exaggeration- there I go doing it again!

This week I picked up Hailey from school- with Trent in the car- on my way to pick up a much needed theory book for Chloe's piano lesson. When we got to the music store Hailey didn't want to go in knowing I would be really quick. Trent asked if he could play pilot in the front seat. (I never let him play in the car so this would be a real treat) Because Hailey was there I said OK- as long as Hailey sits in the front with you. When I got back Hailey warned me-mom, Trent pushed all the buttons on the car- even though I told him not too!
Trent- don't you know that one of these buttons will blow up the car?! was my answer. It will not mom --he kept saying back, then I went on & on about how there is a secret button & wouldn't it be sad if the car blew up because he was playing with the buttons.
I wasn't being serious I was just having a little fun with him. Which reminded me of a story about my missionary.

When Brian was little he was fascinated with guys like this. He was always asking me- why does that guy have an earring... why does that guy have long hair... on & on. One day I just told him- He doesn't love his mother. That was really what it came down to in my 20 something mind. His poor mother must be so embarrassed I said...
Oh my goodness, please forgive me, I was young.
Soon after we were sitting in McDonald's play land (I'll never forget) and a guy similar to this sat down right behind us. Brian leaned over to him and asked- why don't you love your mother?
I was mortified & quickly pulled him away. Smiling & giggling to the guy who never cracked a smile back at me.
I wonder if Trent will mention to someone that he almost blew up the car? Or maybe even ask his driver's Ed. teacher about the button that blows up your car, when he's older?
I'm always doing this to my kids- why do I do it?
It must have something to do with the answer my mom gave me when I was young to the question - what's a hemorrhoid? I think it was after pushing Megan out for two hours I realized she was just joking.


Kristy said...

Thanks Patsy.....we need to go to lunch more often. I had a great time.

wende said...

i love this post! that is hillarious and i for one think that there is nothing wrong with lying to your children to get them to stop touching the buttons in your car. besides, there could be a secret button, you never know and it would suck to have the car blow up! :)

The UnMighty said...

You may have been kidding about the buttons in the car but I had a younger brother who thought he's just turn on the windshield wipers during a light rainstorm. And well, he wasn't paying attention and BOOM! No more younger brother.

patsy said...

Hey unmighty- I checked out your are one funny dude.

Jill said...

I think it's hilarious that Brian said that to a biker guy, I would have been embarrassed too but would love to know the answer.