Monday, January 7, 2008

Mother Of The Year- Not

The Surface Area of a Penny? The science fair is coming up. Chloe's project's rough draft was due today.
Guess what... I totally forgot about it. We both talked about it all weekend-turned in everything so far (not much). We decided we would finish it on Sunday since we had all day- with our new schedule- to get things done. Well, we didn't do it Sunday- see post below.
This morning I didn't think a thing about it. It was piano Monday so off to early morning lessons before school, helping Trent with his homework & reading in the car. After the kids left for school I talked to Karen who mentioned helping her daughter take her project to school this morning.
I knew poor Chloe was in school at that very moment in a panic. We had completely forgotten. Well, good for Chloe (who can be quite anxious) she came home, wasn't in a panic (at least not by after school), was just fine, although she skipped ballet to stay home & get it done -& she wasn't feeling too well. Heck she was most of the way done anyhow. Her teacher said- no problem it was just the rough draft bring it in tomorrow - she knew we had been working on it. Brett helped her finish up tonight.
She is such a great kid- growing up fast!
Way to go Chloe for being flexible. Way to go teacher for also being flexible!
Way to go Mom? Well - at least I'm not doing the whole project for her. That's something isn't it?
*have you ever forgotten to finish a project?
*are you surprised that my kids won't have full ride scholarships to college?
*is Monday morning busy at your house?


Jill said...

Landon just mentioned something about a science project today and my stomach dropped. I'm clueless about such things and feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. Fortunately he didn't say anything about me helping at all, just that he needs to get together with another kid from school. We shall see!

Mrs. McDaniel said...

you could be like a parent to a kid in my daughter's class~she brought the kid to school and saw that there were projects and she said "oh what was she supposed do?" so the teacher tells her & the mom goes home, gets the project done and brings it back to school like at 2pm~so the teacher knows the kid didn't do it.