Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Card Making Class

Yesterday Linda & I braved the weather & drove 45 minutes south to take a card making class we signed up for weeks ago. I was so disappointed when the weather forecast was for 18" of snow by morning, but then went down to 6" by morning, then guess what --- there was no snow in the morning. Don't get me wrong, it came (3-4 inches) but not until we were sitting in Archiver's making these cuties. Archiver's has stores all over the country. If there is one near you- go & sign up for a class. It was so much fun. We used all sorts of ridiculously cool products that I would never buy myself. I just don't scrap that much- even the cards I make... really these products are fun. Specialty tape, ink, new cutting tools, all kinds of cool stuff.
I tell you what. It's a good thing it's 45 minutes away. Yes, we have closer shops, but somehow this one just has it all...

and it's just up the street from Megan's apartment. So after school she met us for lunch at Jason's Deli.
Wow- another great find. Wende has recommended it but there isn't one close so this was my first time there.

The trip home was definitely ICY & WINDY. But we made it. It took a little longer than the trip down but Linda has 4 wheel drive & there wasn't any traffic so it was okay.
Fun day. Now I have to get back to work.


Unknown said...

the cards are definitely adorable. i think i would get overwhelmed by all of the fun tools and gadgets!!

love jason's deli - wish there was one here.

thank goodness for 4 wheel drive and great company!

Kristy said...

Cute cards. My ward does cards every month but it seems that I can never go and make all the cute cards, but lucky for me my Mom buys all the stuff so I just need to get ambitious and go downstairs and make some!

Beth said...

Awwwwww... I am so jealous! What a fun day!!

You and Megan look awesome!!

Beth said...

Yippee!! There is one about 30 min from me... and they have their class schedules online each month!

What a great idea... thanks for sharing all this in your post!

Jill said...

That's quite a drive for a card class, but if you get to have lunch with Megan that certainly sweetens the deal.

Anonymous said...

I have wondered about their classes- those cards are dang cute! I will have to look and see how much the classes are- I could use some outside inspiration!

Holly said...

Hooray for braving the weather AND playing with cool crafty things! What fun--and to spend time with a friend and have lunch--it would make me forget the dreary weather for a while.