Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Deep Thoughts For a Tuesday Evening

Today was a great day.
I got all of my Fall decorations up!
I was a tad bit over committed, but I got a lot done... (and even dinner on the table at 6:00 - woo hoo.) I am trying not to use the word busy anymore. I find myself saying I am "busy" a lot. I realize it sounds negative & it's my own fault that I am so busy- thus I am trying not to complain or be negative about it anymore.
Being inspired by my new blogging friends Jill & Kristi, I have been thinking for weeks about giving myself a word for the year. I thought I would wait for 2008- then I thought -heck I need to focus on this word NOW. So for the rest of 2007 my word is...
It's funny but since all of my kids have been in school I have had a hard time balancing all the many things I need & want to do. I know it comes down to prioritizing, but it is more than that for me. I want to have balance in my life.
Balancing my time for what really matters - something I am now working on.
There are so many good things that keep me busy (there I go using that word) but am I achieving the right balance in my life?
On a lighter note...
Last night Megan & Tony came home for dinner & FHE. Megan requested we play the now famous Don't Eat Pete, so the artist Chloe made this don't eat pete board on our dry erase board.
I think it is so cute.

This was my favorite picture. Don't you love the "Y" t- shirt? (an absolute staple in Jack's wardrobe)

*Do you have a "word" for the year?
*Do you overschedule yourself with too many good things, etc.?


PaD said...

Chloe is getting to be quite the artist. Max looks perfectly drawn.

I like your word balance. Mine is peace. I wanted a feeling of peace. I didn't feel that in Caldwell. I'm doing better here. Fibromyalgia makes you feel anxious. So peace is my word.

I like your new carpet. Have a great day.

Jill said...

I think Balance is a great word for the year. You can hang onto it for next year too, there are no rules.

My word for the year is LOVE, and it has been helpful to remind myself about that often. I may need to hang onto it for next year too though because I haven't totally embraced it the way I planned to do.

The memo board is very funny.

I definitely overschedule myself with too many good things, but I'm always glad I did them so it's hard to decide if I should be filtering things out or not.