Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Missionary Madness

Well- this is it. The missionary in waiting & I finally went shopping. Here we are at Mr. Mac a men's store & in the LDS world the best place to shop for a missionary.
Two-two pant suits, 3 washable slacks, 12 white shirts, 2 pair dress shoes, "dressy" snow boots, 8 ties, 12 pair of socks, a sewing kit, first aid kit, and shoe shine kit later- we were out of there.
Can you believe this kid has saved his money for years for this. That's dedication, and yes I'm glad I didn't have to foot the bill, just yet.
He is so handsome- he was excited, thrilled actually & nervous spending that much hard earned money. Only 22 days left & the jackets didn't need it, but the suits pants will be altered in time. November 10th to be exact. I almost passed out. Just four days before he reports to the MTC- Missionary Training Center. Feeewww- (I am wiping my brow)
It takes a lot of courage, conviction & sacrifice to want to be a missionary.
I hope he feels it was worth it. I know watching him grow, I already do.
Now, lets just see how I feel the day he leaves.


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Thank you so much for the Good Mail... it made my day. I am going to miss you!


Beth said...

Awwww... what a cool experience to go shopping with him!

I am choking on all the stuff on the clothing list (8 ties!!) but looks like that is a great place to shop for it!! Not a bad deal for all that!! I had no idea... see that is why I am taking notes!!

Keep working through it, your doing great!!! He is an awesome kid... well man!!!!

We are soooo proud of his courage, conviction, and sacrifice... thanks for your amazing example cuz.

Beth said...

Which MTC will he be reporting to?

patsy said...

Provo. so he will be in Provo for thanksgiving, Christmas & New years (nine weeks) before he leaves for Chile. I think it'll be really good because I hear they do a really good job with the holidays, firesides, etc.

Jill said...

It's so amazing how a suit can instantly transform a boy into a missionary! I'm so impressed that he has saved his own money for this. I'm going to show this post to my 9 year old son for inspiration. We haven't really pushed him to save for his mission yet, but we should. You must be so proud!