Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Parade

Ours is surely one of the last schools around that has a Halloween parade. It is so much fun. I love it & it reminds me of when I was a kid, we always had a Halloween parade. A couple of years ago the sixth grade teachers decided to do a spook alley, since everyone knows sixth graders are way to cool to dress up & be in a parade. I signed up the missionary in waiting to help & he was the parent assistant in the Egyptian area with Chloe. She was so thrilled to have her cool older brother there, and now there are three sixth grade teachers who thinks he's the bomb.
This is Trent holding still for the picture.
This is Trent holding still again for the picture.

Here is Lily- isn't she cute?!

This is Chloe's teacher- she's the best- I'm not kidding. She is a beautiful lady, but today she's in jail- he he he. She is such a good sport. Of course, she doesn't know I took this picture, or that I have a blog----shhhh.

Here is part of the spook alley. Chloe informed us this morning that the teachers are really hoping the fire marshal doesn't come in for a surprise inspection. It's pretty packed with spooky stuff.

Her is Caroline- she is in the fortune telling section of the spook alley.

And finally, here is Chloe & friends in the Egyptian section- what a fun day for these kids!

*do your kids have a parade at school?

*did you have a Halloween parade growing up?


Jill said...

I don't understand why some of the schools have their parades before Halloween. Why not ON Halloween? Our school is doing theirs on Halloween next week and I think it's going to make for a Halloween-packed day of fun. I just need to get the costumes together...yikes.

patsy said...

Getting the costumes together is BIG work. I actually like having the parade on a different day. Halloween lasts a little longer & they get to wear the costumes more than once. the principal did it because friday is an early out day & with all the festivities it is almost wasted for education (only a 1/2 day was totally fun instead of a whole day :)).so no halloween celebration on the real day. Families will do that on their own.