Monday, September 10, 2007

Family Night~ Don't Eat Pete!

After a somewhat failed attempt to have a spiritual thought.
Brian- the missionary in waiting & Chloe made a "don't eat pete" board for family night tonight. That's a game we've been playing in our family for years.

I wouldv'e taken a picture of the board up close but some pictures were let's say too
personal- or too tacky.

These pictures say a thousand words.

* have you ever played Don't Eat Pete?
*is family night fun at your house?
*due to lack of respect (or gassy teenage boys) are spiritual thoughts
difficult at your family nights?


Beth said...

We've never played "Don't Eat Pete" although it looks like a blast!

But it appears to have the same tone as a crazy game of "Spit Wad Trivia" we played for Family Night one time that got a little off the spiritual track too.


Donna Lynn said...

ok...I'm still lost and can't imagine how to play Don't Eat Pete... Beth you are going to have to explain it to me when I get to Idado Lynn

Jill said...

I learned this game back when my son was in kindergarten and have used it several times in FHE and at my daughter's school parties. It's irresistible.