Monday, October 22, 2007

Fun Weekend!

Saturday, we had Hailey's birthday dinner! It was so much fun, and
Grandpa was even here for it!
We had beef stew with homemade rolls.
(It rained all day so the stew was perfect.)
By-the-way, there has been so much rain here in Utah these days!
Don't get me wrong, you know I love the rain, but this was the
5th Saturday in a row of complete downpour. Really weird for around here.
Anyhow, after dinner Hailey opened presents & we had the most

delicious dessert! My sister Johnna made if for us when we
were in WA last summer & she said she got the recipe from my
other sister Debbie.
It's incredible, feeds a crowd, & very easy.
I am not kidding this is that good!

Hailey was thrilled to get a new MP3 player.
She is not an IPOD fan like the rest of the world.
She says MP3's are better because you can listen to the radio,
you can record radio, plus she can record at piano lessons when
she wants to. Good arguments!
In the mean time Brett finished the L.R. floor. It looks amazing,
he did such a good job. Now we just need to paint the trim, the
rest of the wood & do the F.R. before the early Thanksgiving in honor of the
missionary in waiting, who told me yesterday, only 3 more weeks.
Am I ready for this? Ya- it's going to be a good thing.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I know what you mean about multiple rainy Saturdays. Today (I'm reading this post late) is the first sunny one in over a month. We had Whitney's birthday party today and it was all outside so phew!

I'm clueless about MP3 players, so I love my iPod!