Monday, October 8, 2007

Family Pictures

Yesterday after conference my favorite photographer took some family photos for me.
(Yes - I asked a friend to work on Sunday... I am such a heel.)
I can't wait to see them, and just because she is so great
she put these on her blog today.

They are not really ready yet, she will "clean them up," she says.
But they look great to me.
Having a family picture taken even by Wende the great,
is a parent's nightmare.
Trent was in his true form & the vein in Brett's forehead
was about to explode.
We brought Max,
thinking it would be so cute having him in some of the pictures.
He did about as well as Trent.
He barked & acted like he was insane,
it seemed to me that all the other dogs around-
there were many- had manners.
He also peed & almost hit her daughter who was helping with the shoot.
Pride... it's over rated.
There was a beautiful (wide) stream & it was all Trent could do
to keep from getting wet.
He kept begging me to throw him over the stream.
I told him he would hit his head on the rock boarder around it.
"Just throw me really high, up & over the stream."
Well, you know me, "I left my super powers in the car," I said.
Times haven't changed in our family.
The phrase-
- worked wonders.
Wende also, graciously agreed to take some
missionary pictures of Brian, the missionary in waiting.
(37 days left, not that he's counting.)
Here is the one from her blog.
Trust me - there are many more to come.
Wende was laughing so hard the whole shoot,
she had to stop several times
& compose herself so the camera wouldn't shake.
This morning when I saw this on her blog
I laughed out loud so hard he came up from the basement
to see what was going on.
I have titled it-
Brian's Samuel the Lamanite
All in all it was a great conference weekend.
I now have to clean up the pile of clothes that are all over-
the ones that didn't make the photos, because why...
when we got home there was dinner, homework, etc. & now
my kids are in school- woo hoo-
except for the missionary in waiting who is at this moment
studying his scriptures- Ahhh.
Motherhood- maybe it's not so bad after all.


wende said...

pats, thanks for calling me "the great", you're too kind. your photo shoot was one of the funnest i've done in a loooong time and NOTHING could be worse than those three year old twins! aaahhhh! your family is great, I had a wonderful time! - wende

patsy said...

Thanks wende- it was sooo great to get on my blog tonight and have a comment!!! I love comments, it make my whole day.

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the sweet comment. And it was so fun to see the little quote on your sidebar!
I had quite a hard time tracking you down- your profile doesn't have your blog on it (which could be why people have a hard time commenting- they have no way to trace back to you unless they know your blog already)...glad I did. I'll be back for sure. Full of fun ideas.
Oh and I love the pics!

patsy said...

I will change that~ thanks!

patsy said...

for some reason it won't let me change that...?

Ginnie said...

Patsy - What a beautiful family you have. I love your blog, very inspirational. Great pictures of your morning walk, I like how you captured it. Happy Blogging!

Jill said...

It's so great to get your family pictures taken, even though the process can be somewhat painful. How funny about the dog peeing, eww.

I love the Sameul the Lamanite picture, that's just cool!