Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mission Stuff

Today I took the missionary in waiting to get his shots.
Yes, it's getting close- 22 days to be precise.

Mocking my blogging, he decided to take pictures along the way.

This one is after the one he took of my backside walking into the post office.
Which was promptly deleted.

I was very productive and sent out eight letters
and two packages today!

Here he is after calling his dad in the crowded health department,
and in a loud voice asking him if he needed him to pick up some hemorrhoid
medication while we were there.

He only had to get one shot- flu-the typhoid is oral.
Tomorrow we are finally going shopping for all the stuff he needs.
Nothing like the last minute. I just didn't want to have it all
sitting around & him staring at it.
It's been a long wait. I can't believe it's almost time for him to go.
After this morning I am not sad about it- no not one bit.
By-the-way, employees at the health department don't
really have a good sense of humor, just in case you were wondering.


wende said...

That pic of him getting the shot is absolutely classic! The nurse isn't even smiling! You weren't kidding about no sense of humor at the health dept. I hope Brett's hemorrhoids are feeling better! :)

Beth said...

Laughing Hysterically!!

We Love Brian... can't wait for him to leave, so he can spread that sense of humor throughout the mission field! He will be loved by All!! (well except maybe the health dept employees, and they probably don't have one of those where he is going... so he is in luck!)

Okay, we might miss him a little too.

I agree, the shot pic is priceless, he he he!!

Just curious, did he ever make it to Grandparents in Cody this Fall... my Mom has been waiting for a post about his trip. She is really attached to Cody now!

patsy said...

The boys are hopefully going to Cody this weekend. It depends on the weather mostly. They are really excited but Brian is getting a little nervous knowing he only has a few weekends left- so if he gets a big offer from friends he may stay home. We'll see. I'll have him take pictures for sure!

Beth said...

Yes, if they go, be sure and post pictures... tell him that his long lost extended "gmaw della" is anxiously awaiting on an update from Cody!

Jill said...

I'm definitely not a fan of getting shots (who is really?), so I feel for you both.

I'm glad he took pictures of you, that's just good blogging right there.

Jill said...

Also, I know I've said this before but you look way too young to have a daughter in college and a son going on a mission!