Friday, October 19, 2007

Christmas Gifts for Kids & Really Anyone

Linda & I taught a little class at enrichment night on easy Christmas gifts for kids & teens.
The gifts really apply to everyone.
It was a stretch for me.
Here are some of my favorite ideas.
A homemade bookmark
These are so simple to make & of course the possibilities are endless.
It would be even better to give with a book too!
It's also a great opportunity for kids to use their own artwork,
especially if the book/bookmark is for Grandma or Dad, etc.
I found this at Michael's. It's a Christmas Tree Growing Kit.
The tag says, "My love for you grows & grows. Merry Christmas."
They are only a dollar & come with a cute little pot, soil, & evergreen tree seeds.
You could make up your own but this is so inexpensive & cute!
We also made these candy bar covers.
I had a Christmas one but I can't find it.
Something tells me one of my kids may have something to do with that.
You wrap a candy bar in Christmas scrap booking paper,
staple on the bottom & sides to create a little pocket.
Use a contrasting paper to wrap around the middle, then print out words like
Merry then Christmas and attach using a cute little paper clip or whatever
you can find - or glue stick.
My other favorite was Linda's army men from the dollar store
with the tag- Peace On Earth. So cute!
I love how kids want to give gifts to their friends. Yes it's a hassle, but
they are so pure in heart about it. It's the true Christmas spirit.
*do your kids like to give their friends presents?
*are you getting ready for Christmas yet?
*do you have a good gift idea?


Anonymous said...

Mom! These turned out so darling! You and Linda did a great job :) Love you.

patsy said...

You commented on my blog! Wow~
it's always great to hear from you. I love you!

Jill said...

These are good ideas. I really need to get moving on Christmas, it's already less than 2 months away!