Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big Day #2

All you younger blogging moms - this blogs for you!
You know all those FHE lessons you've been coloring & working on? All the fighting through church, nursery & general fussiness of kids.
Well - you're pay day is a coming- and yesterday was mine.
Yesterday Brett & I took our daughter to the temple for the first time in preparation for her temple marriage next Friday.
It was a great day.
megan & tony
April 26, 2008
I feel so overwhelmed with joy to know that my children are making good decisions in their lives. I can't wait for the day when we can all be in the temple together.
I hope & pray that day comes.
That will truly be the biggest pay day of all.
I love the temple- I love my family- I am grateful.

*today Brian's last companion elder Cuevos (the bird catcher) called all the way from Santiago, Chile. He is home now & wanted us to know that Elder messer was his last & best companion. He said, your son is a great missionary. This is the missionary who the Mission President told Brian before they met that he was struggling with being obedient to the rules. When Brian met him he walked up, shook his had & said- Hi- I'm Elder Messer. I hear you are having a hard time with the computer & following the rules. I just want you to know I know about it & I follow the rules.
He said they got along great. After the first night- they were walking home, were going to be late, so brian started running. Elder cuevos was huffing & puffing behind brian, when brians said - WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE LATE GETTING HOME.
(when I read this in his email I just about passed out)
Girls could never get away with such a thing!
Anyway a couple of weeks later Brian emailed & said that Elder Cuevos went home & the day he left- he cried.
It was so nice of him to call! Brett got off the phone & felt really bad. He heard the accent & thought someone was pranking us- He kept saying... is this my cousin Mitch? Who is this? Finally it dawned on him- this is one of Brian's companions from Chile!!!!
He said that poor guy probably thought --Americans are so rude.


Kristy said...

What a special day for your family! I can't wait until we can be in the Temple with our family. I am glad Brian is doing so good!!! Good luck this week.....I am thinking about you! :)

Karrie said...

What an exciting day and week you're going to have! Geat story about the missionary too.

Jill said...

I'm actually teary reading this Patsy, congratulations on another great payday and on such great successes! I am so happy for your family.

Beth said...

Crying, crying, crying... what a great day!

Fabulous pictures!

I can't wait to be with you guys!

Janae said...

Wow...what a great day! I am hoping and praying for days like this with my 5! I really hope that is statistically possible seeing there are 5 if them:)

Becky said...

OK, Patsy--I'm trying to play catch-up on your blog and I don't know if it's your fault or if I'm just really emotional today but this is like the 3rd post of yours that has made me cry!

enough! :)

I have felt like such a horrible, horrible mother today and this just makes me feel so much maybe there is hope. thanks...