Thursday, April 24, 2008

never a dull moment

Let me just begin this post by saying I picked the wrong day, month.... year to stop complaining, start a diet & quit swearing.
(the picture behind him is titled "100 elephants & a mouse"
- I am calling my photo,
100 elephants, a mouse & a turd)

Last night jack came home from his rugby game with a neck injury. I know he looks pretty innocent in this picture of him in the waiting room of the instacare, but he was truly in a lot of pain. The people at instacare put a neck brace on him & sent us straight to Primary Children's Hospital in SLC. The last time I was in Primary Children's ER was 4 years ago when the missionary got shot in the eye with an air soft bee bee. That's another story, another ugly story.

When you have a neck injury, they take you right back. No waiting-

When you've got a neck injury, neck brace, you're wearing a rugby uniform, & you have grass stains on your knees everyone in the waiting room looks at you. I knew he was okay when he said- why is everyone staring at me, do I have something on my face?

Waiting in the emergency room, I decided this was the perfect time to get some clarity on the whole rugby issue.

If there was ever a time for diet coke, this was it. The nurses & staff were so great.
After getting him evaluated they took him in to take some x-rays.
(By this time we pretty much knew he was going to be okay- in a lot of pain- but okay.)
Right next to the xray room was a HUGE cork board full of comics. I know it's not right but as I stood out there reading them I was laughing & laughing. Jack's dad- who is out of town on business, of course- really would've loved this wall.

I took pictures of my favorites.

I think some of the people there thought I was a terrible mother, laughing & all. But, look at this guy's face as I showed him the pictures.

Down the hall from the x ray room was a vending machine, with mood rings for a quarter- man they've really got this place set up right.

Jack reluctantly let me "test" his mood, which was - relaxed. He said I got ripped off, I think they are rigged.

I offered to read him a book,

Did Patrick impressions (from sponge bob) with a rubber glove,
thought about putting on a mask- but I chickened out. There was a security guard right outside our door...? I started a conversation with him, really nice guy. He was from Columbia & had a thick accent. We talked about the missionary being in South America & he assured me that Chile is the most stable country down there. He told me how he ran the SLC marathon last Saturday- this guy was a stud & very nice. He played soccer all his life so he said he related to Jack's injury...? whatever

They decided he could sit up now. The xrays came back looking really good. So this is a muscular injury not spinal cord injury- oh man, oh man, oh man- thank the heavens.
So after a RX for valium which he says he's not taking- so don't even pick it up mom, 6oo mg. of ibuprofen, a neck brace that has to be worn for 7-10 days & cannot be taken off until he is evaluated again. We headed back home.
The kid hadn't eaten since 3:30- it's now 12:00 midnight.

Hello Wendy
by the way- I'm not a real ice cream eater, or shake drinker for that matter, but they have a new strawberry shake, which jack ordered & I tasted it- the best strawberry shake I think I've ever had. Dad you should go get one- today.("mom, please stop taking pictures of me")
This photo is for posterity.
This photo is jack without broken neck & mom who will never miss another game when dad can't be there even if she does have to get chloe to ballet & hailey to lacrosse. This photo is a reminder of the lecture he got on the way to the hospital after saying - at least I got hurt doing something cool, something I love-
My loud & forceful reply to that.... you know what's really cool, WALKING, living in a home that doesn't HAVE to be wheel chair accessible, NOT eating out of a tube!
Call me old fashioned but... THAT'S COOLNESS TO ME.
* due to injury jack will be out the rest of the season
*don't tell megan, but we are gonna tell her this afternoon jack has to wear the neck brace in the wedding photos- hee hee hee.
*did you get any sleep last night?


Johnna said...

I can't believe how funny you are. You had my co-worker in stitches after she got over her concern about me laughing and wheezing at my desk she just had to come and see what the commotion was all about. Anyway, I am glad that Jack is okay! I am sure that Megan will be alright with the pictures after all wedding pictures should have some uniquness to them right? Have a great day and thanks for making me laugh.

Beth said...

Patsy, that is just so you to find and make fun into what would have been a horrifying experience!

I am so glad Jack is okay! I am really grateful for golf!! I wouldn't survive Rugby Mom-ism. No way, never ever! I was a mess looking at these pictures, not for the squeemish to see one of your favorite teenagers in a neck brace!

Unknown said...

if the other people in the hospital knew all that was going on in your life right now, there's NO WAY they would think you were a bad mom for laughing at the comics!! so glad all is (relatively) well, and hoping you got at least *a little* stress relief from it all!!

Karrie said...

Holy Cow! What a Day! I did you sleep? I slept like crap because at 2 somthing a.m. there were several very loud claps of thunder and some major lightning going on and I had a hard time going back to sleep.

Kristy said...

I think when ever you go to the ER there is a standard time they require you to stay......they just don't tell anyone. I hate going to the ER since it is always at least a 4 hour min. stay!!!!!! I hope Jack is scary!!!! I always worry about injuries with my boys. I hope he starts feeling better soon!!

PaD said...

Okay Jack, no more of that sport. Grandma

As if I had any influence. I'm glad he's alright.

wende said...

as much as i am sorry for your pain in the neck experience last night, (pun definitely intended) i must say you are taking it quite well. that was one of best blog entries! i was laughing picturing you out there reading comics while jack moaned from the the way, walking is so cool. at least

Jill said...

Oh my, how scary! Your coverage of this event is great, it shows both your love and concern as his mother and your great sense of humor and personality...well done!

I'm glad he's okay!

I must go to Wendy's to try the strawberry shake! I love ice cream, shakes and all of that so I'm sure I'd love it anyway!

Janae said...

Oh are having one event after the other. I am hoping for a speedy recovery and so glad the season is over for now:) Great post Patsy! I loved the comics.