Friday, April 4, 2008

this week

This is how my week started. 3 inches of snow on Monday morning...

I made pies for FHE! Okay- I make great pies. Peach & mixed berry.

We went to Elder Thompson's for FHE- of course- see post below. Saturday night I found out that his parents own the local DQ. TAlk about pressure- I had offered to bring treats. What do you bring to someone who owns Dairy Queen?

I have stopped by here- A LOT-

Because of this bag... it may not look like it but yes, there are 500 wedding announcements in here!

I am getting them out a few batches at a time. International addresses & those invited to the ceremony & dinner - first. Those invited to just the dinner- second. Then those just getting announcements- third. If you think you have a wedding in your future-- ever-- start collecting addresses now- it's harder than it looks, even for a good mail lover like me.

I met Megan & her roommate heather at the wedding photographer to pick out her bridal portraits. Luckily I had brought Sky with me or I would've had to get a second mortgage on my house. They were all so beautiful, but the voice of reason (sky) reminded me I didn't need to buy them all- there are more wedding photos to come from the actual wedding you know!???
My dear friend Steph stopped by --SURPRISE-- from California. We got to visit for 2 hours before she left for the airport. I am so glad I was home!

I have been sorting posters for the upcoming fundraising benefit concert, & addressing invites to a PTA volunteer of the year luncheon. (both I agreed to help with way before the wedding stuff)

Helping plan a H.S. service award- this I agreed to work on a year ago- my poor co-chair- her sister passed away unexpectedly. Everyone is busy- EVERYONE. I know I am not the only one. I love my life - busy or not. This too shall pass- but for now. I am living everyday with a smile on my face (most of the time) & praying I don't forget anything truly important.

Like reading with trent & leaving a six pack of Gatorade with a note for Jack & his far away rugby game. Or, staying up talking to Hailey about dress rehearsal- her show- Annie Get Your Gun starts next week. She asked me if I would be sad if she didn't do musical theatre next year? Ya- like I'm gonna complain that I don't need to make another costume?
Today- blog & home catch-up with ballet carpool on the side.
*how's your week wrapping up?


Becky said...

Patsy! You are super busy--glad that you are getting those announcements mailed off...I remember that being a huge weight off my shoulders when I got married. Your daughter is so lucky to have your mom moved out-of-state a couple weeks after I got engaged and I basically planned my whole wedding and did all the work by myself!

Your blogger lunch looks like so much fun--and so yummy! Who all comes? I have "met" Wende through blogs (oops--I still owe her a thank-you for my birthday present!).

Hope you have fun through all the craziness...

calibosmom said...

Those pies look amazing! I want to have a blogger ladies lunch-I think I need to start one. I think I'll bring cupcakes!

crystal said...

You're the go-to wedding girl! Phew--what a LOT of work. It'll be worth it, though.

Holy $#^&, those pies look divine!

Jill said...

That's a ton of wedding invitations, but how happy to be sending so much mail and that pretty card for me on top!

Murdlem said...

I recieved Megan's announcment today. How exciting! I hope you have a great time. Make sure you enjoy the day. I spent so much time worrying about little details that Amy's wedding was not enjoyable. I won't do that again. Your life is busy but this is what it is all about. I am so grateful to be able to be involved in everything my kids are doing. By the way I am going to be a grandma this fall. Amy is due in September. Happy Wedding! -Ronnie

Janae said...

That is a crazy week! I am glad you survived and still had time for lunch:) I know from memory my mom dealing with my older sisters wedding announcements...and, I have a terrible memory, so the fact that I remember it must mean it was a very intense, dramatic thing. I am glad you have yours mailed:)

michelle said...

Those pies loo wonderful! It sounds like you are in wedding mode. I remember tracking down all of the addresses for my sons wedding a few years ago. That alone was a job! :)

It sounds like you are doing some wonderful memory making things right now. How fun to pick out the bridal pictures!

Kristy said...

We need a blogger lunch learning to make pies........I can never get the crust to turn out. Those pies look yummy. I have Thanksgiving every year and usually buy my pies so maybe this year I could make my own???

wende said...

next blogger food lesson is at your house making pies, i would love to learn how to make peach pie - it is my favorite! i've made pecan but that's only because marie calendar's pecan pie stinks! i'm glad i'm not the only insanely busy person around, but i'm glad i don't have a wedding to plan on top of everything else! what can i do for you?