Friday, April 18, 2008

impromptu lunch meeting

Yesterday was a real treat. The blogger moms - who all double for Community Council moms, got together for a little impromptu lunch meeting to discuss some serious glitches in our upcoming fundraising concert. I called WEnde & KrisTY & said- hey what you doin'?- knowing full well they were for sure working on gift baskets & ... eventually going to lunch.
I quick jumped into the shower & funny thing, before I got the chance Karrie called me- so I of course called Janae. We all dropped everything & met at the local new place & ironed out- (as much as we could) the big mess that has now come up.

This little guy is SO GOOD! I can't get over how he just goes with the flow- what a sweetie. We had the best ever chips & salsa & he was right in there eating them with us. Every now & then he would say-- hot! I've never seen a kid who loves spicy food as much as this guy.

If I have to have to be involved with a major break down two weeks before a HUGE, already scheduled, major, community fundraising event, not to mention my daughter's wedding... I'm glad that I at least have to go through it with these guys.

Who have all by the way, stepped up & taken on too much of this job- just so I can have my own breakdown with the now very emotional job of preparing to marry off my first born.
Everyone told me planning a wedding would be hard. I didn't think it was too bad- until just lately it hit me-
I'm planning my daughter's wedding.
Holy crap- what in the world- when did this happen?
Wasn't she just going to kindergarten like yesterday? I swear we just barely sent her off to college, was that really 3 1/2 years ago? Where's Brian to make fun of me & make the situation light? Did I do everything I was supposed to raising her? Is she ready for this? Isn't she too young? Am I going to be a grandma? Oh gosh, let's not go there.
I just want the whole day to be absolutely perfect. Is that too much to ask?
This a lot of pressure for a non perfectionist like myself.


Beth said...

Here I am with tears... I mean hugs of support!

Hang in there!

Kristy said...

That was so much fun yesterday. We need to do it more often!!!! Hang in there Patsy it all of it is almost over!

crystal said...

I'm still having a hard time believing you're old enough to marry off ANYBODY. You look about 28.

Karrie said...

Hang in there it's going to be need to remember all of this time vividly because you'll have to coach of of us through it when it's our turn

Jill said...

I'm with Crystal, I still can't believe you're old enough to have a daughter getting married and a son on a mission. You're only 3 years older than me! This just freaks me out.

I'm so glad you have the support of such good friends to help you with all of these events and to get together with.

Janae said...

It is not too much to ask...we all want a perfect day for our little girls. It will be perfect in her eyes no matter what:) This was a great day! We do need more lunches:)