Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last week I started on a downward slippery slope that increased speedily until I totally crashed this afternoon. You see I come from a long line of complainers, sorry family, but you know it's true. I've been trying not to complain as much as I normally do (much, much harder than it sounds.) So in my attempt to be positive, look on the bright side, be like sis. monson & sis. hinckley-- I just made things worse for myself- oh what was I thinking? (I am really good at complaining, maybe I should just learn to embrace it.) Hearing how they never complained a couple of weeks ago at conference has really done a number on me. I keep comparing myself over & over in my head- then worrying about my list of to do's, etc. I just need to face it, I just have a lot on my plate. I guess feel so blessed that I don't want to be ungrateful.
Anyhow- last week I had a doctor's appointment. (The start of my downfall into my sad state.) I don't go to the doctor unless I really have to- not my best trait- so you know it was getting pretty bad. You see, I have been having pain in my hands off & on for years. They swell, or hurt in the mornings, or on cold days, after big sewing projects, etc. Well, lately they just hurt all the time and they hurt a lot. I can't sleep at night, favor my right hand & avoid jobs where I need strength in my hands. So I went to the doctor & ya she told me I have arthritis & gave me anti inflammatorys. She told me I need to take them everyday for a month with food, then we'll see if that helps. That should help for a couple of months & hopefully I will just have to do this monthly RX only a couple of times a year. I guess she didn't know that I have been going to Weight watchers for 7 weeks, have been really careful & lost 11 lbs. She obviously didn't read my mind to know that I am in a fragile state, any minute just about anything could set me off. Something inside me just snapped. Of course I didn't want to complain- but honestly it scares me to think as I age it might get horribly worse.... so I just started eating.
Yep, the old cooking me & over eater me came back- thinking she would make me feel better.
If it's possible to gain 11 lbs. in 5 days I just may have done it. Tomorrow I have a weigh in day but I am taking a pass & starting over. I hope. Maybe.... oh boy- I feel sick.


Jill said...

I don't like hearing about wives that never complain either, it makes me wonder what's wrong with them!

I'm sorry that this news is making you spiral. Eleven pounds is a lot to lose, so do your best to stop the spiraling. Go for a walk, send good mail, call a friend, jump on the trampoline with Trent, put on your bathing suit (that will inspire you right?). Don't surrender!

Karrie said...

Wow Patsy...just be grateful ther is a treatment for what you have and I'm sure we all will go through similar stuff from time to time. I really feel it in my knees especially the day after I ski or do any big sports. I hope the meds help. Gluecosemine (sp?) at costco is also really great for joint pain.

Janae said...

This is not fun news! I can totally understand how this set you off on the eating...I am totally that way and fought the desire to make cookies all DAY! The key to W.W. is just getting back on. We all mess up and we just have to get back on plan...you in NO WAY gained back 11 pounds! I promise:)
I am a complainer too...I don't want to be but, it just usually can't be helped;) I never heard complaining was a sin so I say complain on:)

patsy said...

put on my bathing suit- Haha hahahahahahahah... jill you are too funny-
not on your life!

wende said...

sorry that you're struggling patsy, i wish i couldn't relate to any of that but of course you know i can. weight loss is especially stressful when you have so much going on. give yourself that.

plus, i just have to say that i don't think that you complain as much as you think you do. when i think of you, the first thing i think of is kindness and being positive. there are times that i've stopped by your house just to feel better because you have that affect on people! i definitely don't think of you as a complainer. we ALL have complaints.

so don't beat yourself up too much. besides, now you have the blogger moms to grow old with, arthritis or not! :)

i love you patsy!

Unknown said...

oh, patsy, you have so much on your plate right now! take some time to stop and breathe, in between the showering and fundraising and carpooling and all! maybe WW can go on the backburner until after the wedding? are you getting relief from the anti-inflammatories?


Kristy said...

I don't think you are a complainer and arthritis......YUCK!!! To make you feel better I have gained a ton of weight with gift baskets and today didn't help eating fast food! So much for the diet. Hang in there!!! Love ya!!

PaD said...

looks like you deleted my comment again. Way to go.