Sunday, April 6, 2008

sunday conference wrap up

Conference weekend flew by so fast.

It was great!

(hailey under blanket hiding from the camera)

I loved all the talks, but especially loved President Monson talking personal about his family & sweet wife at the end.
Trent & I played some yahtzee to help me stay tuned... and keep me from killing him. He only asked me 100,000 times if he could have a friend over. Then exclaimed at least a dozen times- I hate conference... it's so boring... why can't I have a friend over etc., etc.
At one point during our game I mentioned to brett out loud- -that was one of my favorite talks ever. Trent piped in- mine too. Such a funny guy.

Afterward we went out & jumped off some steam & got out some energy. Notice -I was so wiped out last night, I slept in these clothes then never got out of them today. One of "those" days. It was supposed to rain/snow all weekend. HA~ it was nice. I don't know why I check the weather- I swear they just play cards in the back all day then make all this stuff up.
Megan came home for a little bit. I taught her to make cupcakes, of course.
My diet is officially blown this weekend! Crap-
is that proper to say after watching conference ?

*do you ever sleep in your clothes?
*it's the worst, I know.
*what did you do during conference?


Jill said...

I've definitely been tired enough to sleep in my clothes, but never do because my jammies are so much more comfortable.

I took notes during Conference. I thought I might cut out good mail labels for that big order I have, but it just didn't feel like the right thing to do at the time and I get so much more out of it when I take notes. So I ended up cutting labels from 6-10:30 tonight and am still not done!

Janae said...

Your Trent is too funny! It is really hard for the kids during conference. We tried though. They did ok. My diet was also blown this weekend...oh well, it's Monday and it's just...get back on:)

Karrie said...

of course I sleep in my saves on laundry! My record is three days in the same clothes...and the sad thing is I wasn't even sick or depressed or anything!

4 flood gates said...

If my clothes get changed within a 24 hr. period, it's from one afternoon to the next, meaning I feel the need to show up at the bus stop in the afternoon wearing different clothes. If the bus stop is not involved,meaning I'm no tseeing the same people, I can go 3 days, no problem. My pants come off at night & I just sleep in my shirt. Then in the morning, I groggily change the unders & throw the pants back on to get to the bus stop. A bit before the bus does the srop off, I realize I haven't changed my clothes yet. The funny thing is I only have 3 pairs of pants that fit right now, so everyone has seen my wardrobe many times over. Everything gets changed after a shower, but that's every 2-3 days in the winter. Every other day in the summer. Not sure I want to sign my name ot this, at this point. But I will. Sherri