Thursday, February 28, 2008

Way Off BAlance

I am way off balance. I have so many things to get done. Yesterday I forgot an appointment & one other big thing I had to do. When I start forgetting things I know I am over my limit & way over scheduled.
BALANCE where are you? Why did I let you go?
Today I need to get some big things done- but I really need some down time. Just a couple hours of nothing to do- no phone calls- no kids talking to me- no commitments.
I am realizing that if I want to have BALANCE in my life I need to CREATE it.
So along with my 07 word BALANCE- which I cannot let go of- my companion word for 08 is
CREATE peace.
CREATE opportunities for what's really important.
CREATE happiness.
CREATE lovely things with my sewing machine- (that quilt on my list.)
CREATE time to take care myself.
CREATE memories with my family.
CREATE love.
CREATE the life I want & am meant to live.
*do you have a word for the year?
*do you get bogged down, over scheduled, & so busy that you start to forget things?
*do you let life just happen or do you CREATE it?


wende said...

no wonder you need some down time! i have loved getting caught up on your last several posts, you've had a busy couple of days! i'm glad you went with chloe, i should've gone and was regretting it all day. you're right that there's not many field trips left to go on, i'd better get on it! i think trent is starting to change - his appearance i mean - he's starting to look like a little man, so cute. i'm glad you're working on 72 hours kits. would you believe all my stuff for them is in the garage, including the back packs but nothing is actually put together! sounds like i need some balance too! love ya!

Natasha said...

I need balance too! I am so much an all-or-none type personality and I'm working on that!

Kristy said...

I know exactly how you feel. I forgot an appointment yesterday too and I was looking at my to do list that I made on Monday.....and I have not looked at it all week and I have way tooo much to do. I am hoping today will be a catch up day!! Good luck today!

Unknown said...

i'm sorry to hear you are feeling off balance. becuase i was headed over here to tell you that your absence at spt has been noticed!! not to make you feel any more creative pressure or anything, but... come back!!

(by the way, i have a gazillion creative things to do for jack's birthday party this weekend, an all i can do is fall on the sofa at night and zone out...)

Jill said...

It is insanely disconcerting to forget an appointment. I don't do it often, but I hate feeling like I will.

Perhaps you need to actually schedule time for yourself in your day so that it's nonnegotiable. It's so important for the mom to feel balanced and at peace because she affects everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I forget stuff all the time even if I'm not that busy...scary! I've been scrambling to get all my lose ends tied up before my trip and it gets kinda crazy, but I jsut your best and it will have to be good enough.

Janae said...

I have never found the answer to this. I still have hope though. Life does get so busy it seems like it can just pass us by when were not looking! I too need to create some balance:)

michelle said...

I hope you got some down time. When life seems to be getting to busy I try so hard to step back, and take a little break. Now, only if I could remember to do this all of the time! :) I like both of your words! Perfect!

Kwint and Gina Kemp Family said...

Remember me? (AKA Gina McDaniel- now Kemp)I found your blog through Rachel's. I have been needing to apologize for years that I never called you when I lived in Layton!! How lame! I can't believe your son, who I used to babysit, is a missionary!! Find my blog, too and let's reconnect! And about balance, I spend all day meeting the needs of my TWO kids and most of the time feel like I don't know which way is up... hence, I am blogging when I should be sleeping, knowing full well that my baby will wake me up as soon as I go to bed, but I just need some ME time.... I really admire Mom's like you with many more children than I have who somehow still manage to be amazing women.