Monday, February 4, 2008

Tender Mercies...Good Mail

It's been a rough morning for the Missionary Mom.
That being me. The Monday email came with bad news. A stolen wallet... now he has no debit card or driver's liscense- how will he get home?? I spent the morning on the phone with the bank who told me he has to call himself even though I am on his account, but gave me all the codes etc. He's not worried he said,"the Lord is looking out for me." He was more worried about losing his picture of the Bountiful temple. Call me faithless but I feel like smacking him.
"but anyways we got home and we had no food except for noodles... we also couldn´t cook them because earlier that week we ran out of gas and with all my asking and reminding included my companion didn´t buy more. (thus i have been taking showers with agua helada (ice water) but i´m grateful that i dont have to use a bucket and that i actually have hot water sometimes, we´re actually very blessed in that) but, we got home and we were starving but didnt know how we were going to cook. we said the prayer that we always say when we get back to the house and i asked the lord to bless us with not so much hunger and a good nights sleep... there was enough gas to cook! pretty cool. but half way through the power went out in all of paillaco, thus we cooked by my flashlight. it was pretty cool. we went outside and the stars were crazy awesome! it was so cool. they were so bright."
That bit of news plus the discription of stomach cramps without american T.P. or any T.P. at all(thank goodness for the church newspaper...?) were just about all I could take. Brett came home for lunch & brought in the mail. His words as he came through the door...
"Tender Mercies"
I had good mail!

Thanks Michelle for the darling thank you card for the package I sent last week! I hope you are starting to feel better... but still taking it easy- yes let's go to lunch next time you are in town!

And... a package from the Marathon bird- Holly. What a surprise!! Loads of ME product~ my favorite, she is such a smart gal. I love it, love it, & it couldn't have come at a better time. I had just gotten a cute little "bird" for Holly & emailed Jill for her address. I can't wait to send it. Her address was on my good mail list the whole time- I just didn't see it---?

THANK YOU, it may have seemed a simple act but meant so much to me today.

GOOD MAIL - it does a mommy good!


Kristy said...

Hang in there Patsy we are praying for you and for Brian. All will be well!

Jill said...

I'm so glad you got some good mail on a day you needed it so badly.

As for Brian, he sounds great. My brother tells the craziest tales from his mission in Mexico and there are never complaints. He starved, he froze, he had a rash so bad he scared the locals and so on. He loved all of it. So hopefully you can relax a bit and know that the Lord is looking out for Brian and that everything that happens is for his benefit. Have faith cute mom!

michelle said...

Your sweet boy! I hope that you get the bank card, and license taken care of. I know I would be upset too. I am so glad that you got good mail today! It seems like it was the perfect day for it!

Janae said...

I think one of the hardest parts of being a mom is having to watch our kids suffer! I know all the different experiences my kids have do help them to grow and learn. It still hurts the mom though:( I am glad good mail came on this day. Brian does seem to have a pretty good attitude regarding the situation. You being his mom gets to take credit for that:)

Holly said...

So glad it arrived on a day that needed a bit of brightening!

I'm sure it's hard for your to hear about his living conditions and such, but he sounds like he is handling it very well and knows the Lord will provide.

Hang in there!