Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boy Are My Feet Tired

Today I went on the sixth grade field trip with Chloe downtown. I really was excited to go when I signed up... but I was sure dreading it last night. Going to bed it was all I could think about. 92 sixth graders & public transportation... what was I thinking?? Yes we rode three different public busses. It wasn't too bad. Those poor regular riders must have nearly croaked when they saw us on the bus. Needless to say- I was on my feet all day.
(not enough seats)

This gal made it all worth it! I keep reminding myself-- there are hardly any field trips in Jr. High, not to mention- she probably won't want me to go then anyway --Just enjoy!

We went here first for a tour. The SLC Public Library. It's an incredible building. Almost completely made of glass. It's stunning & it was fun to learn more about it on the tour.

This is the front entry. Isn't it gorgeous?

This is the view looking down from the second floor onto the 1st floor children's section. It's hard to explain but there are these pull across shades that keep it from getting to hot- the building is mostly glass you know.

Here is the view from underneath. Amazing.

Besides having a fantastic selection of books on the south side there are all these tunnels & cave like places. This one is kindof like a tree house with a big sky light.

This cave is supposed to resemlbe ice. It's called the crytal cave- I think? There were lots more with computer games, etc. REally fun place for kids- with adult supervision. Many homeless people spend there days here at the library, just like any big city. As we were walking through, Chloe asked me at one point plugging her nose-- What's that smell- very humbling.

After the tour we took TRax up to the U of U stadium where the opening & closing ceremonies of the 2002 olympics took place.

We walked a long distance (my feet were really tired at this point) to the SLC recreation center & went ice skating- well the kids did. I couldn't ice skate at their age let alone now!

The walk wasn't so bad with such an amazing view.

I loved the Olympics when they were here.

I wish they could come back. It was an amazing time.
We ate lunch outside- it was a gorgeous day! Really sunny & warm. Being outside was almost healing.

Chloe & classmates got to skate where surely some of the world's best skaters practiced just a few short years ago.

Chloe was very serious working on her backwards skating moves- while I FINALLY got to sit down with the other parents. FEEEEW - like a dumby I didn't wear the best shoes. We literally had to run to make the bus on the way back- no pictures- I took my shoes off & ran at one point- it wasn't pretty. Let me tell you what- I was NOT going to miss that bus! I told my little group- we have to be in front to get on the first bus home, whatever it takes. I was willing to knock over kids, jay walk, you name it- we were getting on that bus. I just wanted to get home at least a couple minutes before everyone else.
Home again hurray- zzzzzz- for 10 minutes.

Tonight was our Blue & Gold Banquet. Trent was so excited. We got there late because Trent is going to a little wrestling clinic at the highschool this week???? I will blog about that another day.

The theme was Chinese New Year.
It was really fun to watch Trent use chopsticks!
After this I had a girl's camp meeting at 8:00. Oh ya, did I mention I was called to be the assistant stake girl's camp director this summer?

What a couple of cuties!
Oh my gosh - I am so tired- my house is so dirty.
My feet are still tired.
Good day.
*do you like to go to the library?
*have you ever been to the SL library or a big city library?
*do you sign up for things then wonder ---why, oh why?
*does being with 92 sixth graders from 9:00am to 3:00 pm sound like fun to you?


Brit said...

I think that sounds like the busiest day ever, but very fun! I love being downtown, but I don't know how I'd feel about taking 92 sixth graders. Quite the adventure.

Linda said...

I'm thoroughly exhausted just thinking about YOUR day!

I routinely sign up for things and then regret it...don't we all! Like I always say "it sounded good at the time."

Janae said...

Patsy~ you made being with 92 sixth graders fun, tiring, but fun. I loved to hear about this field trip sense I could not get a ton of details from my own sixth grader;) Thanks for going:) I am actually regretting not going reading your post. Busy day...you will be great as the asst. camp director. Will Chloe go this year? Mine is going and I am nervous about it. She is not, I am:)

Jill said...

Holy Cow, what a long day you had. I think it's crazy that the field trip involved public buses rather than school buses, what's up with that?

I haven't been to the SLC library, but it looks amazing.

I got to go to the dress rehearsal of the opening ceremonies for the Olympics and though it was beyond freezing, it was so cool.

You didn't wear sensible shoes? That doesn't sound like you.

Our Blue and Gold Banquet is tonight and I'm NOT looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

at least you had chopsticks to go along with the theme!! we had hotdogs and barbecue...

i can't believe how much you guys fit into a 6 hour field trip. you must have been running from place to place!!

Rachel said...

Oh, cool library! I've only seen it from the outside; it's not far from where my parents live now. Seattle's new downtown library is also super-fabulous. Our local library is built like a bridge over the river. We go there every week.

And YES 92 sixth-graders all day sounds like a blast! Sixth graders are awesome, I just love that age. I taught them in primary before we moved to the 'burbs and it was so fun - the girls were old enough to really talk with about stuff that matters, but still young enough to think stickers and coloring are cool.

Beth said...

Wow, what a day!

NO!!! anything with 92 6th graders does not sound fun to me... but always priceless when you have a 6th grader as I remember.

The SLC Library sounds and looks amazing!

Stake Girls Camp rules! We are planning ours now too, and after attending my 1st Laurels Camp last year, I am sooooo excited! I am sure it will be one of the highlights of my year. I wish I could have had these adventures in my life as a youth growing up. I am surely making up for lost time! Enjoy every tiring minute of it!

Anonymous said...

I went on this field trip a few years ago with Micah and Hailey it was fun, but that was the year Mrs. Wright broke her wrist ice skating. Did she ice skate this year?

Becky said...

Sounds absolutely crazy and I'm really praying that my son's 1st-grade field trip to the Phoenix Zoo is a little calmer!

P.S. thanks so much for the cute card--it really made my day!

Kristy said...

I sign up for things all the time and then wonder what I was thinking when I did it!!! It usually turns out okay. I have tired to go on field trips with all my kids and spend that time with them and their friends. They do take all of your energy to keep up with all of them. Great pictures!