Friday, February 8, 2008

Blogger Lunch

Yesterday I met with these great gals for our first ever blogger lunch. We have all been friends & work together on various PTA & community projects for years but other than that didn't really know each other.
It so happens that we are all bloggers & wow- I really feel a bond with them now. I can't explain it but I know they understand some of the things going on in my life- I theirs- we share ideas & encouraging comments- I love blogging. I feel such a connection to the blogs I read & to those who comment on mine. It is fun to get together & talk "blog" get ideas, ask questions, & just visit. I have a bunch of new questions for next months lunch already.
Blogging who knew?
*do you know any of your blogging friends?
*do you love to talk "blog"?
*do your non blogging friends get it?


Unknown said...

i don't know any bloggers that live around me. waaaah!

it scares me how enthusiastically i can talk about blogging - maybe some of my non-blogging friends will become bloggers.

Becky said...

I think of my blogging friends as my "blogging pen pals" :) Some are women in my area that I know but many are those whom I have "met" through Lelly's SPTs. Most of my non-blogging friends don't get it...some women I know who have blogs don't get it! But my husband does!

Just the other night he was commenting on how nice it is that I have people I can "talk" to now and this outlet for expressing myself and getting to know other people at the same time that I am journaling. It's wonderful!

P.S I'll be in Utah the weekend of March 29th visiting my mom in West Jordan--maybe we can meet for real...

Jill said...

I think blogging covers a lot more of our day to day lives and inner thoughts so we feel close to each other even if we haven't met. It takes years to cultivate a close relationship like that with someone, but with blogging friends it's like we get to fast forward to the best part of each other.

Holly said...

A few of my friends have blogs, so they get it. My hubs tries to understand it and keep track of the things I tell him about bloggy friends. I have not met any bloggy friends in person yet, but I hope to someday!

I'm glad you had a nice time.

michelle said...

How fun to go to a bloggers lunch! I do have some friends that have blogs, and a cousin. I have loved meeting new friends thru the blogging comunity. It has been a huge blessing to meet such wonderful people.

wende said...

lunch was so fun patsy, i'm already looking forward to the next time! i totally agree with jill that blogging is more like a journal and more intimate and you don't share stuff like that, in that much quantity anyway, with a regular person. it takes a long time to do that. plus, i'm kind of discovering myself through blogging so i feel more real and connected with others who are doing the same. it's great! love ya girly!

everything pink! said...

somehow half my ward has my blog, they all seem to read it but just don't get it. no one will talk to me about it and when they do they think i am a freak.
i have a total fear of meeting blogging friends and am a nervous wreck about coming out to the blogging party in may, - kind of weird huh...
i will get comments like, oh i read your blog everyday and started my own blog, but will never show it to you because you would think it is lame.... hmmmm not quite sure how to take those comments. i want desperately to write about this on my blog and jill always thinks i should, but can't because all these people read it...
don't know i vomitted all that info out, but i did.