Sunday, February 10, 2008

Missing You...

and Hailey...Come home tomorrow.
Top 10 reasons I am missing them...
10. There is hardly any laundry to do around here. My only good excuse for not getting other work done.
9. No one is constantly talking about college football or rugby teams. (& I mean constantly)
8. There hasn't been even one teenager in my house all weekend- weird!
7. When I get up in the morning there are no dirty dishes left in the family room- ok I like that one.
6. I don't really have anyone to tease. Chloe is too sweet to tease & Trent just doesn't get it.
5. I need help doing chores... they really do help around here!
4. No Seinfeld, King of Queens, or funny videos on Utube-- all weekend!
3. We sat on a short pew at church today- what the heck- it's been about 15 years since we've done that!
2. No one to nag at to go to bed or to get up early... I just don't know what to do with myself.
1. I really like them. They are good kids. I hope they had fun on their road trip to WA!
*do you miss your kids when they are gone?
*is your spell check working? Mines not--aaargh!


Karrie said...

My spell check is still not working either...when will it come back???!!! I ususally start missing my kids about the time they come back and then I think....why did I miss them they always come back and with them all the craziness that ensues afterwards.

wende said...

i didn't even know that blogger had a spell check! i would miss your kids too, they're such great kids! and yes, i always have a hard time leaving the kids, even for a vacation. i think it's great until about day 4 and then i start to miss them terribly. some time i'll tell you rich and i's honeymoon story, poor rich, he had no idea what he was getting himself into!

michelle said...

Yes, when my kids are away I miss them terribly. I like it best when everyone is at home. I too, have been wondering what is going on with bloggers spell check. I need it really bad. I hope those that are reading my blog know what I am typing about. :) hee hee

Jill said...

I enjoy the chance to miss my kids because I like changing things up every now and again.