Sunday, February 24, 2008

Melancholy Sunday

Today we went to church & sat behind a sweet family with five young children-the oldest being eleven. I couldn't help but think about how much my family has changed in the last ten years. Just 10 years ago Megan was almost eleven- just like their daughter & Brian was 8- just like their son. Yep & Jack was six- like their six year old. I wanted to grab the mom & say... in ten short years everything will be completely different. Your daughter could be engaged, son on a mission & other son a junior in H.S. I'm pretty sure she already knows that. Still it was fun to silently sit behind them & remember. I wonder what the next ten years holds. Hailey will be 24 by then, Chloe 21 & Trent 18. Boy, I am feeling blessed.
(if I can figure out the scanner a really cut photo will follow *&%#@)


Linda said...

The older we get as moms yes, the more melancholy we get about when our kids were small. But if my memory serves me right, I couldn't wait for them to get older. Alot of times I was ready to pull my hair out!

I'm finding it's different, and fun, parenting adult kids...but I do get sad at times too.

andrea said...

This is why I love your blog. You're just a step ahead of me and I love reading about your life. I am trying really hard to cherish the moments I have while the kids are still little.

I was in a wrestling match with Jack all through Sacrament meeting. It was one long hour. Thanks for a great post reminding me to enjoy the stage I'm in.

Jill said...

That must have been kind of surreal for you to be sitting there thinking of your family being just like them, not so long ago.

It's nice that you ended up feeling blessed. Having children is so bittersweet.

Anonymous said...

I feel just like you when I see families with little kids. I just need to keep reminding myself that Payton and Riley, just like Trent are still little. I keep reminding myself that I need to cherish the now with them because it too will be gone so fast. That's why I'm glad I started blogging.

michelle said...

This is such a wonderful thing for me to think about this morning. I hope in 10 years there will be some grand babies running around! :)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I tagged you on my blog. Kind of funny that you posted about how much has changed in the last 10 years... because one of the questions has to do with that. I love you~ Aimee

Janae said...

It does seem to go so fast. I can't believe we are heading into teenage-hood at our house soon:~) kinda scary... that it can go so fast!