Saturday, February 2, 2008


I have a new favorite blog. It's this one
I can't get enough of it. I am scouring it whenever I get my turn on the computer. I have serious cupcake envy. It's taking over my life. These are just the cutest little things you've ever seen...
AM I RIGHT- OR AM I RIGHT? These are from Bakerella. Oh my, I found bakerella linked from cupcakes take the cake. Her blog is AMAZING- obviously...she's the one who came up with these.
If you make some cupcakes & don't at least send me a photo I will never forgive you!
*do you love these too?
*have you checked out this blog & it's many links?
*do you bake? I've been trying not to, but now that's over.


Mrs. McDaniel said...

those are so cute! I just knew they were chocolate covered marshmellows, but I read on that blog that it was cake inside!

I do like to bake but I'm not very good at it!

Janae said...

These look AMAZING! While visiting my mom a couple weekends ago we passed a store called the "Cupcakery" it was so awesome! The whole store was full of just cupcakes, incredible,edible, cupcakes! I truly wanted to come home and open up my own store full of beautiful cupcakes. We share a very similar love in the cupcake area, patsy:)

michelle said...

These are darling! I am headed to her blog right now to check out more! The next time I make cupcakes I for sure will send as pic. :)

Anonymous said...

These seriously are the cutest things I've ever seen. I've been looking at the picture a couple times a day, showing people. They're so cute. I wonder how else you could decorate these. You're right though, they'd be super cool at a wedding because they're unique.- Megan

Holly said...

Those little cupcakes are adorable! Looks like her site could be very dangerous. :)

Kristy said...

Okay now I am hungry for something sweet.......those cupcakes look soooo good! I collect cute cupcake ideas but I have yet to try them maybe someday I when I have grandchildren I will attempt them.

Jill said...

I love to look at pretty cupcakes and find the thought of them so alluring, but I have yet to taste a cupcake that made me swoon. What's up with that?

patsy said...

Jill- so funny you say that. I rarely have had a cupcake that I loved. Brett & I stood in line at the famed Magnolia bakery in NYC for 1 hour (there slow time) for a cupcake. It tasted like a yucky ol dry thing from Albertson's- I was sooo dissapointed. They're cut but those folks who wait for them are nuts! Oh wait... that was me?