Sunday, May 30, 2010

it's sunday

1. I think I've missed more church this year, then all my other years combined.
2. I was supposed to teach R. S. today.... Brett called a sub for me yesterday.
3. I feel really bad about it.
4. I stayed home... and watched some conference, napped, did laundry, hand stitched a little, wrote a letter to the missionary.
5. I hate missing church, really.
6. One of Brian's best friends from school came home this week from the Birmingham, England mission. His homecoming was today- ya, I missed it too.
7. Can you tell I was feeling sorry for myself?
8. HOw is this possible after the very best guest post ever!!!!
9. thanks Chloe- Chloe is very easy to love.
10. Brian has a rash-- he has had it all week, we looked at it today- it's spreading! Brett immediately took him to instacare--- Poison Ivy.
and I thought today was gonna be dull?


Kristy said...

Poison nasty for Brian!!! You needed time to get rest and get better so don't feel too bad about missing church today. I am glad you are feeling better!

michelle said...

poison ivy, yikes!

It's hard to get a sub the day before, I know what you mean about feeling bad about that. And missing the lesson you prepared! I hope you're recovering well.

Karrie said...

Ha ha Poison Ivy....Micah could have diagnosed that for ya...he gets it all the time from behind our house.

Feel better soon!

Janae said...

Poison Ivy? I thought only little kids got that at summer camp?;)
hoping you are both feeling better.

Jill said...

I'm sorry you're sick and had to miss that homecoming and teaching your lesson, but at least you're not the one with poison ivy right?!