Saturday, May 22, 2010

conversations with trent

Today Brett & I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary!
I didn't take any photos, our real anniversary is tomorrow.
I'll ask someone to take one of us.
We went out to lunch, ran some errands & did a little shopping.
Because there was a FAntastic Deal at Costco on a Clear Play... we bought one. We have been considering it for over a year now. Now Trent can watch Transformers 2-- without the inappropriate parts. He is so excited. He came into the garage to tell me about a surprise he & chloe had for us- but I surprised him- with the clear play. He ran into the house & yelled to the other kids
silly me, I didn't realize swear words were in abundance?
Later we decided that maybe there needs to be a clear play for mom's mouth?
Tonight he told Brett & I that he came up with a great idea on how to make money.
He is always dying to make money- for who knows what? In fact, last night while we were watching a movie & he was on this very laptop- he applied for a job at Boeing online. That's what he tells us & he was on the site to do just that...? I wonder if we will hear back from them? I told him he needs to do good in school- that's his job. He says- he's done with all that- he already knows a lot- plus this kid Brandon somebody in his class is always bugging him- a job Now- that's the way to go!?
The money making idea:
"We could turn the upstairs into a hotel!"
I asked, "Where would the girls sleep?"
He replied, "Oh they can still sleep in their rooms, they just have to pay us."
Just before bed- I said, "do you really want a bunch of weirdos staying in our house?"
"Not weirdos mom, just family- we can charge them money!"
so- if any family wants to pay to stay in trent's room
call & make a reservation today!
NOTE: These photos are from last weekend
when it was sunny
unlike this whole past week...
so bad.
I have been really good to not complain, but
(notice no swear words?)
I could never move back to Seattle. This gloomy weather is killing me.
P.s. the surprise trent & chloe had waiting for us?
everyone picked up the house & chloe made banana cake- we had a banana cake with whipped cream frosting from a Swedish bakery in Seattle at our wedding reception. What a bunch of sweeties


Marcus and Brittany said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW!! And Trent is hilarious. That's so funny that he said he applied to a job at Boeing. Marcus and I wish him the best of luck in his job hunt...

Johnna said...

Happy Anniversary Sis! Tell Trent that I absolutely love him! And you know that reason you have such great kids right? You and Brett are great/amazing parents!

Love you both!

She Loves To Make said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! You guys are great parents and I love you both. I'm so glad you got married :)
I love Trent's idea that family should pay money to stay at your house haha. Hilarious!
Chloe is such a sweetie--I love that she made banana cake for you guys.

michelle said...

Happy anniversary!

I love that the kids cleaned up and Chloe made you a banana cake! Such sweet kids.

Did Trent really apply for a job at Boeing?! Hilarious! His money-making schemes remind me of my little sister when she was about his age. She was furious that my parents wouldn't give her own phone line for her paying library.

Karrie said...

What great kids...and Trent is seriously going to be a great business man...would he make me pay to stay at your house?

wende said...

i would like to book a reservation please...especially if trent is working the front desk when we check in. and especially if chloe is making banana cake. :)

Jill said...

Happy Anniversary!! Wow, 24 years, that's a lot!

Trent is so funny. I love it that he applied to Boeing and that he's working to rent out the house to fellow family members. He's resourceful and creative for sure!

Kristy said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You will LOVE the clearplay, we do and use it all the time. We watched It's Complicated on it last night....cute show by the way.

I will come stay at Trent's "hotel" if they have room service and I can stay in bed all day! Maybe he needs to come over and Jake and Trent could sell popcorn one day this summer.

Janae said...

i'm with Kristy~ if there is room service I would pay;) i think Trent will make some money some day because he is always thinking up new ideas! he's got some serious spunk:)
Happy anniversary! I love that you got to have banana cake on your anniversary...yay Chloe.