Saturday, May 1, 2010

it's may

last month...
was very eventful- I didn't blog much- maybe I was too busy or
just too emotional?
I was telling brett....
can you believe in April we had
General Conference
Sent jack to Brazil
hosted book club here
hosted creative day here... a couple of times, I think?
taught R.S.
finished a baby quilt
made at least 250 cupcakes on one day
helped sky put on a wedding shower
blew off volcanos at the coolest ever pack meeting
got my haircut short
sent loads & loads of good mail!
made homemade bread all month
bought rubber mulch for under the tree house & laid it down
nearly cried both days of women's conference because I didn't go this year... oh so sad about that.
Hailey continues to suffer through seizures daily- only at school, sometimes twice a day. She is beautiful, talented, funny, happy, smart, has loads of friends- and seizures. What can I say? She has had tests, more tests & continues with therapy weekly.
She is amazing. She is my hero. She handles it with such grace. After a seizure in class, if she can't get out in time, she just gets up & goes on... smiling all the way. It's just what she has to do & if everyone gets to share in her, "own personal hell, I might as well make the best of it!" Two weeks ago a new kid in one of her classes came to her after class & asked her if the doctors know why she has seizures- she said, ya- they are psychogenic non epileptic seizures. He told her that he has seizures too- epilepsy. She threw her arms around him & gave him a big hug- a seizure buddy. I know she made his day.
I continue to learn and grow as a person & as a mother.
Hopefully I will continue to grow as a writer & blogger- my goal this month?
A post every. day.
I hope you will be here.


wende said...

you have had a big month for sure. i was smiling to see that i was part of a few of those things on your list! i love our friendship.

and...i love and ADORE that hailey girl. grace is right. she is the queen of grace and soldiering on. i'm so proud of her. and i can't WAIT for the cute prom pictures coming up this week! :)

and p.s. you are handling all of this with grace too. you are a wonderful mother. i admire you so much.

Janae said...

An intense busy month! Those cupcakes were awesome:)
I am hoping Hailey will be able to overcome this trail soon! What a great, strong, girl she is:) she has a wonderful example!
I love your goal of a post a day...I need to try that one.

She Loves To Make said...

Great post!

The Taylors said...

I know things will get better for Hailey! Hang in there school is almost over, Yeah!!!

Jill said...

I have missed having regular posts from you, and after reading about your busy month it sounds like we're missing lots of great photos too! I want to see your new hair cut, your creative days, the finished baby quilt, the cup cakes and so pressure though.

You should have come to Women's Conference! Next year the blogger moms need to make a plan to come together, so start figuring out the child care now.

Jill said...

P.S. Hooray for Hailey for being such a champ about her seizures!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

My goodness you HAVE had a terrifically busy month.

Hailey is amazing to handle her challenge with such dignity and class. I'm proud of her a thousand miles away.

michelle said...

Whew! I'm tired just reading about it!

I too am sad that you didn't make it to Women's Conference. I hope you can make it work next year.

I am amazed by Hailey's attitude and strength. She's an inspiration!