Friday, May 28, 2010

really, REALLY sick...

it's been a rough couple of days....
I'm sick.
super sick.
I been to the doctor twice & I have three RX's - I am miserable.

i HOPE I am back soon, but for now I am taking a break, and asking (i can barely talk) my kids if they would like to guest post. we shall see?


michelle said...

Oh, man! I hope your prescriptions do the trick!

I was sick, then better for a day, and now sicker than before. Of course it wasn't until 5:00 today that I thought maybe I should go to the doctor...

Hope you're feeling up to blogging again soon.

Kristy said...

take care of yourself! I hope you feel better real soon. Call me when you need some popcorn.

Janae said...

I am hoping you get better asap! hang in there...

The Taylors said...

Patsy , I am so sorry ! I would love to get a guest post. That would be entertaining. I hope you get better so soon. Let me know if you need anything like a milk shake!

Jill said...

Oh my goodness, multiple doctor visits and prescriptions, what's going on? I hope you get well soon.

She Loves The Color Pink said...

I am so sorry that you are still so sick! I'm thinking about you :)