Monday, May 10, 2010

a cute picture... and a concern

I am adding this picture because this is my blog & i can.
Every time my blog pops up & there is a picture of Charlie... smiles.
So- the concern is a couple of weeks ago I heard a talk by Sister Beck, whom I love & adore & her talks always inspire me...
this time something she said stuck with me. Like a poppy seed in between my front teeth- bothersome. She commented ( I don't have a direct quote, which I realize is dangerous) that women shouldn't be occupied going to lunch with friends & spending their time working on hobbies.
I completely agree with that to an extend- except, HELLO- who do you know who is going to lunch with friends & having a ball with her hobbies all the time???
REally, I feel like I & every other woman I know are doing the best they can- I have my creative day once a week & it saves me from going insane. All my kids are in school now, I am home when the leave, home when they get home- I keep my home reasonably clean.
Why is this bugging me?
I felt like I was personally being criticized.
I mentioned this to Brett (a week later.) He said he was waiting for me to bring that up. Interesting-- how well he knows me.
Am I being too sensitive?
Was she talkin' to me?
Were you at women's conference- I know she gave part of this talk there.
did I get it wrong?
*I'm really glad I asked this question...
yes- I know you guys are right- it's about balance.
It's hard to listen & hear while sitting with the family, even though I am glad they were there- (I'm just talking distraction here)- balance I'm sure is what she is talking about.
thanks for the input


Gail said...

I think what she really is asking for is balance. At least I hope so. If you are giving service all the time (which you do), you have to have a re-charge once in a while. Hang in there Patsy, you are doing great!

Janae said...

Oh that cute Charlie! He is looking so stinkin cute!
I did not hear all of that talk. I need to read it to understand more. I am tempted not to read it;)but, i will.

She Loves To Make said...

Sister Beck speaks for the church, and I don't imagine they are against friends getting together during the week. If you're left without the energy/time you need for your kids & spouse then you probably should look at where you spend your time-I think what she probably meant. I think it's all about balance, like Gail said.

Holly said...

Pictures of cutie pie Charlie would make me smile too! Those little legs poking out of those shorts are begging to be squeezed.

I agree with the others about the quote and the context of balance. Either extreme would NOT be beneficial to the mom or the family. Hobbies and time with friends are uplifting--which helps moms journey on (and on).

Kristy said...

I have Sister Beck's talk next to my bed and I have been reading it. I really think it is balance. You do need some for yourself but I think too many women think they deserve A LOT of time to themselves and then neglect their children, reading scriptures, home duties etc.

Cute picture of Charlie!

wende said...

her talk totally bothered me - for the same reason, i felt like she was talking directly to me too. i was thinking - NO don't take away my day! but i agree, i'm sure it's about priorities and making sure that your family comes first...and the do, just not on thursday. :)

michelle said...

I heard her talk in person, and I absolutely loved it. It was all about where we put our priorities. I didn't feel at all that she was saying that going to lunch with friends and working on hobbies was a bad thing, just that if that's where our focus lies, we will be neglecting essentials.

In fact, she put those things in the "Nice to do" category. Because they are nice to do! After we have taken care of what is essential to our spiritual progression and caring for our families.

So I say pick that poppy seed out of your teeth, Patsy!

Jill said...

Charlie is so stinkin cute!

I was struck by the same thing in Sister Beck's talk, but came away feeling inspired to do better with the Essentials (spiritual stuff) since I already excel at the Nice-to-do's (lunches and such). She said the nice-to-do's aren't going to save us and that the Essentials and Necessities will. I think I've been out of balance in these areas and can definitely improve.

I love it that Brett was waiting for you to bring that up.