Early Friday morning I thought it would be a good idea to take my camera around with me & document a day in my life...
Picked my room up a bit.
Yes, I often make my kid's beds- so what?
all this after:
breakfast for six
lunches for three
starting the first of six loads of laundry
reading with trent
kissing brett & brian goodbye
(brian's not quite so willing so it's tricky)
and taking hailey to school
(she goes late every other day)
she was on a field trip with her art class making sidewalk chalk art-
not far away- & freezing her buns off.
I ran her a jacket & fresh piece of bread-
did I forget to mention I was making bread?
When I came home I decided I was done documenting my day.
I started feeling wiped out & just a little sorry for myself. In my efforts to capture my day I felt stupid- like a silly little maid picking up after everyone. Like, my job wasn't that important or impressive, or any good but very boring.
My mind wandered to
Maybe I should get a part time job? For an airlines? We could travel??
All of these years instead of waisting time here, what could I have made of myself?
I said a prayer
An hour later there was a huge lightening storm.
the power went out.
I quickly said a dozen prayers for Trent- his lightening phobia comes back full force every spring. I sat on the couch... thinking & praying. Should I go get him? check on him. Only an hour left of school (early out day) ... but it was huge lightening- we found out later it hit & knocked out a power line just a couple blocks from his school- ya it was loud & powerful.
I had a spiritual confirmation that it was okay- good for him to experience these things without his mother. He was in good hands, and I was in the right place doing the right thing.
An hour later... lightening had passed- and the phone rang. It was trent wanting me to pick him up even though his school was 1 1/2 blocks away. I walked over with his jacket & we talked. We talked about the lightening & how he was okay & how his friend Nic said he was okay because it is safe indoors. (peers have such influence over us, don't they? I've told him that a million times)
For the gazillionth time in my motherhood career, I felt grateful to be home. It was important for me to be "here." NOt just to do housework, but yes to do house work & yes to be "here."
I love my job
Even when I hate the housework part of it.
Even when I wonder what I could've been,
because I know one thing for sure-
I'm blessed.
Sounds like a normal boring day at my house. I think the same things you do people would look in on my life and think BORING!!!
This is a great post of showing what "real life" is like. Life is not all about fun all the time. You will be glad you did this post later on.
You do have a job....you are a maid, a taxi cab driver, dishwasher, clothes washer etc. :).
I love this, Patsy.
I am reading the book I Am a Mother right now, it is all about how we have to honor motherhood because no one else will do it for us.
When people ask what we do, we have to refrain from saying, "I'm just a mother." Most of all, we have to try not to think that, tempting though it is when we so often feel like the maid cleaning up after everyone.
When we honor motherhood, we are teaching our husbands and children to do the same. It's really giving me food for thought, it's a little bit scary how often I wonder if I am making a difference, what I could have been, etc.
I do hate housework, but I am trying to remember that I love my job!
I feel super-charged about this topic, especially since Women's Conference. Everything we do matters! No one else can take our place. We're so much more than the cleaning ladies. Whenever ugly thoughts like these creep in just take a moment to consider the source, and then move on.
Two books (YA novels written in the 20's) you would love that address this so beautifully are "A Lantern In Her Hand" and "A White Bird Flying" both by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
Being A Mother is the BEST Career Choice!
Mom, you are AMAZING at you job!!! You make my life fun, exciting, happy, clean, decorated, and cute. I love you so much, Thanks for all you do. It makes our home such a wonderful place to have you in it.
p.s. thank you for making my bed!!! You are the best and you make me feel loved.
Oh man, I needed to hear this today! Actually, I need to hear myself say it every day. Thanks for the reminder!
I needed to hear this today too, and because I am a visual person, the pictures were a great motivator!! Beautiful.
You "do Mom" with grace and style!! Keep up the good work, and enjoy your journey!
p.s. LOVE the vinyl on the bathroom wall!!
This is the only job that you can't get fired from no matter how old your kids get.
and duh you can still work after the kids are gone...want to go to law school with me?
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