Tuesday, May 11, 2010

current favorites

T.V. shows
trent- spongebob
me- celebrity apprentice/biggest loser
trent- tootsie rolls (he doesn't really like candy)
me- tootsie rolls
trent- nothin'
me- ironing (I ironed for 4 hours on Monday... it's my favorite but I do it in batches)
Food for dinner
trent- pizza
me- tacos
Scripture Story
Trent- Alma & the Lamanites (book of Mormon)First he said "Alvin & the Lamanites"
me- Esther (Bible)
Day of the WEek
Trent- Wednesday (ethan comes over)
Me- tuesday (jack's email) & Thursday (creative day)
Favorite song
Trent- Downtown it's a Battle (theme song from Transformers 1)
Me- anything from the Wicked soundtrack that I have been listening to in my car since last year
Favorite restaurant
trent- mickey d's (yes, that's exactly what he said)
me- Rio Grand
trent- blue
me- green, red, yellow, pink... I can't pick
FAvorite Phrase to say
trent- What the heck?
me- according to trent... What the heck is going on here?
me- according to me... good morning, it's going to be a beautiful day (in opera voice)
FAvorite book
trent- Calvin & Hobbes
mom- The Book of Mormon & a magazine & martha's new sewing book (it's really good)
Favorite Movie
trent- Transformers
me- I asked hailey & she said- you don't really watch movies... that's true. The last movie I saw in the theater was Diary of a Wimpy Kid & I loved it.
Favorite Person
trent- mom
mom- trent
The end


wende said...

ethan loves wednesdays too - and his favorite thing to say is "what the heck?!", except he says, "what the het?" maybe this is from hanging out with trent? :)

and, i've never been able to pick a favorite color. i just know i'm not a fan of hunter green and mauve. :)

Jill said...

My head is spinning at the thought of ironing for 4 hours and liking it!! What the?! I hate ironing even for 4 minutes and hardly ever do it.

Janae said...

fun list. i can't iron. trent is too funny. i love your favorite phrase...according to trent:)

michelle said...

This is adorable. I love that you each put the other as favorite person.

I try to avoid ironing. My grandmother loved it and would do it for hours on end. What am I missing?

I want to check out Martha's new sewing book!

The Taylors said...

What a fun post! I loved reading it.

Kristy said...

I HATE to IRON!! You are my hero if you can iron for hours and enjoy it. The rule at our house is if needs to be ironed you do it yourself!!!

Trent cracks me up!!! We will have him over one of these days to watch Transformers!