Friday, November 30, 2007

Patsy's Great Gift Idea #4

See's Chocolates...does it get any better than this?

Last year I sent all of my siblings a 1 lb. box of nuts & chews. Every year since I can remember we've sent a small box to Brett's sweet aunt in Virginia. This is the easiest gift to give & send. Just a few clicks & it's off. They have just about any price range too. This is my absolute favorite chocolate in the whole world. I don't care what anyone says... there's just no other like it. It is so great. Everytime I buy chocolates from somewhere else (which isn't very often) I am dissapointed. Not enough like See's.

I have a lot of fond memories of See's. Which by the way, you can't get back east. My sister Debbie used to always get me a piece when we went shopping at South Center mall growing up. It seems like it was a lot, but I was young so maybe it was just once. Either way the memory is stuck in my mind and it's a good one. I also remember one year someone sent what seemed at the time a huge box to our family when I was young. It was so exciting. I remember sitting on the top bunk playing a game with my other older sister Johnna & we had the box of chocolate up there with us.

It's so fun to bite into a piece and see what you've got. I personally like the nuts & chews. Also their bridge mix is like nothing you've ever tried- trust me. My favorite piece... well, the scotch mallow, or the chocolate covered walnut, or the rectangle one with the carmel & almonds then half way dipped in milk chocolate, the victorian toffee, or maybe the key lime pie truffle, the blueberry truffle... you get the idea.

Order See's Chocolate's Here

*have you ever had See's Chocolate?

* what's your favorite piece?


Beth said...

See's is awesome... I think of you everytime I see them.

My fav's are the keylime truffle and the scotch kisses! I also love their suckers (only 1 pt on ww).

Jim took me by there and we all got to pick out 3 pieces for my birthday.

patsy said...

What? Only 1 point on WWatchers. I'm there I love the butter scotch suckers. I actually like the scotch kisses too. Can you tell I have a problem?

PaD said...

Your older sister use to buy me See's too when we went to SouthCenter. I found out they give me a migraine headache so I can't eat them anymore but I loved them too.

wende said...

Who doesn't love chocolate? Seriously! See's is also one of my favorites, you're right that there's nothing like it. My favorite, very favorite is coconut moundy thing, you know what I'm talking about? My mom used to cut each piece into fourths so we wouldn't fight, and so my brothers wouldn't taste sample each one to find out what kind it was! I love that See's is your favorite, it gives me some good mail material to work with! :) Love ya!

4 flood gates said...

I bet no one has the same Sees favorite as me! No one else in my family or my husband's likes these. It's the Mayfairs. Milk chocolate with chopped cherries, walnuts & cherry nougat. So good!

Sherri from Seattle

Jill said...

I like the milk chocolate with caramel in the center, so tasty.