Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Patsy's Great Gift Idea #2

I absolutely love to go to the symphony.
I think it was all the years of violin lessons - which I gave up for cheer leading- which is definitely on my top five stupidest things I've done in my life list (which will not be posted anytime soon.)

I couldn't find it on their web site but for several years we bought our family the lollipops series ticket. It's a great deal 3 kid friendly Saturday matinee symphonies that run 45 minutes and are very interactive. The last time I bought a ticket it was $65.00 for the whole family- for all three concerts!! That's a steal and cheaper than going to the movies. Amazing. They even have a great Christmas concert along with that. You can go early & see the best Santa Claus you've ever seen in your life. I think he may even be the real guy!
Now, I know you are asking yourself, "If this is so great why haven't you bought a pass for the last two years." Well, I have really wanted to. I even debated just buying myself & some neighbor kids or just some kids off the streets some tickets. But you see, I have Trent. Whom I love- don't get me wrong. But when he started screaming, "concerts are for girls, scouts is for boys!!" I knew we had to take a break. Call me a wimp but the embarrassment on the entire family just got to me. So guess what we are going to do next year! We are going back. Now that he is a couple of years older I won't miss a year again.
So if anyone out there wants to buy me tickets... I'm taking.
To get to the Utah Symphony web site click here.
*does your city have a symphony?
*do they offer a children's series of concerts?


wende said...

hey, can you choose your seats? because we would LOVE to join you! what a great idea, i love the symphony, maybe because i always WANTED to take cello lessons but never could. i'll publish my list of stupid things if you publish yours! :)

Kristy said...

You are my inspiration to be a good blogger. I enjoy reading your blog everyday it seems like I know what is going on in your life even when I don't see you or get a chat for a minutes! Thanks for all encouragement and comments that you have left on mine!!! :)

patsy said...

Wende~ they have had years when you can choose your seats but most of the time it's open seating. It's never filled to capacity though. As much as I hate too we usually sit in the way back. That way we can see all the instruments & Trent doesn't bother the other concert goers too much. It's actually nice in the back. It is packed with kids though so it's not like he's the only one being annoying we're just a bit sensitive about it. My favorite is when they play Sleigh Ride at the Christmas show. It is so great. It's so fun to watch the percussion!

Jill said...

That's a fun idea. I don't know that we'd be committed enough to have passes to go all the time, but I really should check in to going some time.

patsy said...

Jill- It's only three concerts. You could do it. Only I wouldn't want to make the drive if I were you.- patsy

patsy said...

hey jill- I bet they have great stuff on campus at the great BYU. I have always wanted to see the Young Embassadors. But, I know they have loads of other choices.