Sunday, November 18, 2007

Great Night

brett & patsy - seattle skyline july 2007

Last night Brett & I went to a see Dan In Real Life then to dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurants Rio Grande downtown.

It was just what I needed. It was so much fun. The movie was great, the food- always fantastic, and the company my ultimate favorite. Years ago at a church activity I was sitting eating dinner with a bunch of ladies and we were all talking about our husbands. One of the women commented on her husband and her recent pregnancy - it was not complimentary. I told a story about how wonderful my husband was during all of my pregnancies etc. She then said - I know whose husband I will try to steal if I ever get divorced.

I was stunned, shocked, but mostly silenced. Ever since that day I think twice when bragging about what a wonderful man I am married to. No, I don't think he would leave me or cheat or whatever. I was just put in my place. So I don't do that anymore, brag about him to insignificant people in my life- just to family like my kids, mother in law, and especially him.

Last night I was reminded of how much I love him. How much we love to be together. Why we started a life & family together in the first place. I love all of my children but in my quest for balance I don't want the part of my life that includes him to be out of balance. My children will grow up and leave me. That is what I ultimately want, for them to be happy. My husband- he and I - that is what I am thankful for today.


Beth said...

Nothing better than good quality time with your hubby!

We think he's a pretty great guy too!

Anonymous said...

I love to hear you compliment dad. You both are great examples to me! -megs

Jill said...

The woman who made that comment was green with jealousy, I hope the sting of that didn't scar you too much.

You're definitely blessed to be married to a wonderful man and to realize that as the children leave and the two of you end up together again that you're going to be okay with that and not looking at him wondering what comes next.